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- inner portion of the cytoplasm
- for metabolism and nutrition
- outer part of the cytoplasm
-hyaline structure for protection
- stage of protozoan development that cannot be stained by iodine as it is toxic for this stage
acidic pH
- ph that is favorable of trophozoite formation
- where does e. histolytica excystation take place
binary fission
- multiplication of trophozoites happens in this type of reproduction
large intestines
- where trophozoites of e. histolytica multiply
E. histolytica
- the only pathologic amoeba
number of nucleus in e. histolytica trophozoite
number of nucleus in e. histolytica cyst
- location of e. histolytica karyosome
chromatoidal bar
- structure in amoeba cysts that is used as a food reserve and energy store
- composed of crystalline RNA
- appearance of e. histolytica trophozoite pseudopodia
unidirectional and progressive
- motility of e. histolytica trophozoites
e. moshkovskii
- known as Laredo strain of E. histolytica
Commensal or E. histolytica: grows in room temperature
E. histolytica
Commensal or E. histolytica: grows in 37 degrees celsius
Gal NAc Lectin
- e. histolytica virulence factor used for attachment
- e. histolytica virulence factor used for holding on to lining of large intenstine
Cysteine Proteinases
- e. histolytica virulence factor used for tissue disruption and spread of infection
- drug of choice to treat E. histolytica
Diloxanide furoate
- drug for asymptomatic patients
Entamoeba coli
- most common commensal amoeba
- number of nucleus in e. coli trophozoite
- number of nucleus in e. coli cyst
- location of karyosome in e. coli
sausage or cigar shaped
- e. histolytica chromatoidal bar shape
Fine and evenly distributed
- e. histolytica peripehrlal chromatin arrangement and appearance
coarse and rough
- e. coli peripheral chromatic characteristics
T or F: e. coli is bigger than e. histolytica
Entamoeba hartmanni
- small race of E. histolytica
- number of nucleus in e. hartmanni trophozoite
1-2 or 1-4 ( if mature)
- numebr of nucleus in e. hartmannicyst
E. coli
- entamoeba with dirty looking trophozoite
multi or non directional and non progressive
- e.coli motility
broom stick / witch broom / splinter
- chromatoidal bar shape of e. coli
sluggish movemnt, non-progressive
- motility of e. hartmanni
Entamoeba polecki
- ameba of pigs and monkeys
E. polecki
- most common parasite in papua new guinea
- number of nucleus in e. polecki trophozoite
- number of nucleus in e. polecki cyst
angular / pointed
- chromatoidal bar shape of e. polecki
unidrectional and progressive
- motility of e. polecki
Entamoeba chattoni
- seen in apes and monkeys
- morphologiclly similar to e. polecki
Endolimax nana
- smallest ameba
E. nana
- has a "blot-like" irregular karyosome
E. nana
- appearance shows ingested bacteria, blunt and hyaline pseudopodia, with food vacuoles
Endolimax and Iodamoeba (peripheral chromatin is only found in entamoeba)
- ameba with no peripheral chromatin
unidrectional, non-progressive, sluggish
motility of Endolimax nana
sluggish, non-progressive
Motility of i. butschlii
Entamoeba gingivalis
- entamoeba with no cyst stage
Entamoeba gingivalis
ameba of the oral cavity
T or F: E. gingivalis may be seen in the genital tract
Entamoeba gingivalis
- first amoeba in man
1-4 days
- incubation perios of e. histolytica intestinal disease
secondary bacterial peritonitis (secondary to fulminating colitis)
- most serious complication of e. histolytica
low or high: amebiasis is characterized by _____ amount of WBCs in stool
- shape of histolytica ulcers
- cramping rectal pain in e. histolytica infection
cyst or trophozoites: recovered from formed stools
cyst or trophozoites: recovered from watery stools
- where the flagella of intestinal flagellates are attached to
G. duodenalis or G. intestinalis
- Other names for giardia lamblia
ingestion of cysts
- mode of transmission of protozoans
large intestine
- habitat of e. histolytica
small intestine
- habitat of g. lamblia
- habitat of T. tenax
- habitat of t. vaginalis
- reservoir host of g. lamblia
- number of nuclei in g. lamblia trophozoite
- number of nuclei in g. lamblia cyst
falling leaf motility
motility of Giardia lamblia
G. lamblia
- can cause backpacekr's diarrhea
G. lamblia
can cause Gay bowel syndrome
1-4 days
incubation period of g. lamblia
- g. lamblia virulence factor for attachment
ventral sucker
- part of g. lamblia trophozoite causing
Blood type A
Blood type that has a greater risk for g. lamblia
Entero test / Beale's string test
- a test that may be done if you are negative in DFS for g. lamblia
- a string is place on the face while the yarn is swallowed and reaches the duodenum
- after 4 hours the string is pulled
- drug of choice for g. lamblia
hydrogen sulfide
- chemical that cause the rotten egg odor from g. lamblia diarrhea
- infective stage of D. fragilis
Enterobius and Ascaris
Nematodes that are carriers of d. fragilis
E. lamblia
- old man's face with eyeglasses
rosette / rose-like
- appearance of D. fragilis karyosome
progressiove/ non progressive: motility of d. fragilis
- treatment of choice for d. fragilis
Cytostomal fibril
- part of c. mesnili that may be described as the shepherd's crook
Chilomastix mesnili
- flagellate known to have a spiral groove
C. mesnili
- nipple shaped cyst
- america lemon appearance
number of anterior flagella of c. mesnili
number of flagellal near the cytostome of c. mesnili
number of g. lamblia flagella
1 pair (2 flagella)
- number of g. lamblia anterior flagella
1 pair (2 flagella)
number of g. lamblia posteror flagella
2 pairs (4 flagella)
number of g. lamblia lateral flagella
4 pairs (8 flagella)
total number of g. lamblia flagella
F. it is only passed from mother to child through infant delivery as the fetus passes through the vagina
T or F: trichomonas vaginalis can be transmitted through vertical and placental transmission
TRICK QUESTION! walang cyst stage ang t. vaginalis
number of nuclei in t. vaginalis cyst
number of nuclei in t. vaginalis trophozoite