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Ní féidir éalú uaidh, bíonn sé ar bhéal gach duine, an t-ardú mór atá taghta ar phraghasanna
you cant escape it, its always in everyone’s mouth, the big increase thats on prices
Bhí boilsciú uafásach ann le bliain anuas agus tá sé ag cur isteach go mór ar shaol gnáthdhaoine in Éirinn
theres been a terrible increase this year and it is affecting the majoirty of regular people in ireland
Cuirtear an locht go mór ar nithe, ach is é an cogadh san Úcráin is mó a luaitear mar chúis leis an gcostas ard maireachtála atá ann faoi láthair
the blame is put largely on things, but it is the war in ukraine thats mentioned most as the cause of the high prices currently
Ó thosaigh an cogadh, tháinig ardú mór ar phraghasanna ola agus gáis agus, mar gheall ar sin, tháinig ardú ar chostas gach ní eile
from the start of the war, a big rise of prices of oil and gas came and, because of this, a rise on the cost of everything else
Cheana féin, tá ardú tuarastail á éileamh ag oibrithe ar fud na tíre, tuigim dóibh go hiomlán ach tá imní orm freisin
already, works across the country ar demanding a pay rise across the country, i understand them completely and im worried too
Is fáinne fí ceart é agus níl aon réiteach simplí ar an scéal
its a right vicious ring and theres no simple solution to the story
Mar shochaí, ní mór dúinn ár ndícheall a dhéanamh cabhrú leo siúd nach féidir leo a gcuid billí a íoc agus a chinntiú nach mbeidh ocras ar a gcuid páistí
as a society, we have a big need to do our best to help those who cannot pay there bills and make sure that their kids dont go hungry
Is fadhb mhór í easpa dídine in Éirinn sa lá atá inniu ann, go háirithe sna cathracha móra ar nós Baile Átha Cliath
homelessness is a big problem in ireland today, especially in the big cities like dublin
mar a deir an seanfocal: "an té a bhíonn thíos bealteaí cos air”
as the seanfhocail says, he who is down is hit the hardest
Ach níl sé gan dóchas. Tá go leor eagraíochtaí cathanachta ag déanamh obair iontach chun cabhrú le daoine bochta agus gan dídean, ar nós Focus Ireland, Clann Shíomóin, agus Cumann Naomh Uinseann de Pól.
but its not without hope. theres a lot of charitable organisations doing great work to help poor people and homeless, like focus ireland, simon, and st vincents