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Traditional Family
Large homes with many children.
Men worked, and women were homemakers.
Close bonds with parents and grandparents were central.
Modern Family
Women work outside the home, leading to more equal roles (alla pari).
Increase in mixed and smaller families (1 or no children).
Declines in marriage rates and delays in weddings.
Family remains a key element of Italian culture.
Traditionally the financial providers and decision-makers (capofamiglia).
Historically homemakers (le casalinghe).
Prefer city living for better access to healthcare and social life (assistenza sanitaria).
Città (City)
Variety of activities: Bars, restaurants, city center attractions.
Easy access to technology and stores.
Fast-paced lifestyle can be stressful.
High levels of pollution, crime, traffic, and garbage.
Periferia (Suburbs)
More space for homes and large yards.
Fewer people create a relaxed and laid-back environment.
Strong sense of community.
Limited restaurants, stores, and entertainment options.
Reduced privacy.
Campagne (Rural Areas)
Comfortable living space with greenery and fresh air.
Less focus on money, social status, or titles.
Lower levels of air pollution and waste.
Fewer job opportunities, mainly centered on agriculture.
Il Natale (Christmas)
Children receive gifts, but there is a strong focus on understanding the holiday's spiritual meaning and the importance of Saint Nicholas.
Il Carnevale
Celebrated the day before Ash Wednesday.
Features fancy masks, elaborate costumes, and masquerade balls.
Pasqua (Easter)
Celebrated with religious parades and processions where statues of Jesus or Mother Mary are carried.
Traditional meals include eggs, Easter pie, and lamb.
Piazza del Duomo
in Milan, near the famous Duomo di Milano, one of the largest cathedrals in the world.