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Advanced Cities
Large concentrations of population that serve as centers for trade and artisanship.
Independent cities in Mesopotamia, such as Ur and Uruk, that controlled surrounding lands.
Specialized Workers
Individuals skilled in specific trades, including artisans, merchants, and soldiers.
Complex Institutions
Long-lasting organizations within a community, including government, religion, and education.
Record Keeping
The documentation of important legal, historical, and economic records using cuneiform writing on clay tablets.
Advanced Technology
New tools and techniques developed to solve complex problems, such as the creation of bronze.
Fertile Crescent
A crescent-shaped region in Mesopotamia where early civilizations emerged due to rich soil.
Irrigation Systems
Human-made systems to control flooding and maximize crop production in agriculture.
The belief in many gods, which influenced the religious practices of Sumerians.
A pyramid-shaped temple in Sumer that served as a center for both religion and government.
Hammurabi’s Code
The first written law code that established legal standards and social class inequalities in Babylon.
Sumerian Cuneiform
The first formal writing system used by scribes to keep records in ancient Mesopotamia.
Social Classes
A hierarchical structure in Sumerian society, including kings, priests, merchants, artisans, and slaves.
Epic of Gilgamesh
An ancient Mesopotamian poem that is one of the earliest known works of literature.
Akkadian Empire
The first empire in history, established by Sargon after conquering Sumer.
A system of officials that carry out the work of a government, as seen in Hammurabi's Babylon.
An ancient civilization known for their iron-working technology and military prowess.
A brutal warrior society that conquered Mesopotamia and built the first library at Nineveh.
The civilization that conquered the Assyrians and rebuilt Babylon under King Nebuchadnezzar.
Nubian Kingdom of Kush
A civilization south of Egypt that adopted many Egyptian practices and later controlled Egypt.