1929 Treaty signed between UK, Egypt & Sudan giving Egypt ownership of the majority of the Nile. Egypt 66%, Sudan 44%. Other countries like Ethiopia, Kenya, tanzania or Uganda were not allowed to use any water. This treaty is still in place today.
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all american canal
Canal in southern California taking water from the Colorado to the Salton sea to create farmland
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Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
The amount of oxygen needed for microorganisms to break down the organice matter present in a body of water.
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Biological monitoring working party (BMWP Scores)
A proxy to measure the biological quality of rivers using invertebrates as indicators. Certain invertebrates live in certain water qualities.
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Colorado Compact
In 1922 - first agreement - allocated 7 states to have a certain legal right over a certain amount of water. Overall, they estimated that 93 km^3/year were available, but there was in fact a lot less than this. As well as this, Mexico was not counted in the compact and received 0.
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Los Angeles Aqueduct
674km long, provides water for los angeles from havasu lake (colorado DB)
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Minute 319
20th of Nov 2012, the governments of the US and Mexico agreed to share water in both drought and surplus.
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Potatoes in the desert
In the Sahara desert in Egypt, 400'000 T of potatoes are produced annualy. Water is being pumped from 350m underground in a fossil aquifer, using a drill. The potatoes are then shipped from Egypt to Europe.
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South-North Water Transfer Project
Aims to transfer significant quantities of water from China's humid south to the arid north. The US$62 billion scheme, designed to move 12 trillion gallons of water over more than 1000 kilometres, was launched in 2002.