SMART Targets

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What does SMART stand for

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What does SMART stand for

Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time bound

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What does Time bound mean

stating how long you will take to achieve this goal e.g I want to increase my bench press by 10kg in 28 days.

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What does Specific mean

You need a clear goal

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What does Measurable mean

You need to be able to measure your improvements

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What does Achievable mean

You will be able to accomplish the goal you have set

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What does Realistic mean

You have the time, resources and money to be able to achieve your goal

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What does Time bound mean

Setting a date by which you will achieve your goal

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Why is it useful to set a SMART target

  • Helps to split up a larger goal into smaller more achievable ones

  • Helps motivate you because a smaller goal feels more achievable

  • Helps you to focus on what is important

  • Helps you to develop new strategies to reach that goal

  • Enables you to know how well you are doing

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What does checking your progress with your SMART targets help to do

  • See how you are progressing (if your performance is improving and you are getting closer to your goal) and if your target needs adjusting

  • If you have achieved your target and need to choose a new one

  • If your target is unrealistic

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