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What were the reasons for American Empire?
World markets
Capital investments
Military protection
European example
Manifest Destiny & the West?
Responsibility & “Burden”
Christian missionaries
President McKinley promised new markets (World markets). What was the difference between before and after the Industrial Revolution?
1860: exported $316 million
1900: $1.37 billion
What was the difference in capital investments before and after the Industrial Revolution?
1860: U.S. has nothing invested in the rest of the world
1900: $500 million
The U.S. has to protect these new capital investments. What was started?
Modern U.S. Navy:
USS Chicago
USS Atlanta
USS Boston
Very small compared to the rest of the world
The U.S. is late in the game when it comes to empire. What do they have to do?
Follow by European example
What two men wrote about the responsibility & “burden” that came along with expanding?
Kipling: “White Man’s Burden”
There is a responsibility and burden that comes along with expanding
Labouchere: “Brown Man’s Burden”
What is the responsibility and burden?
How are christian missionaries involved in American Empire?
It is the 3rd Great Awakening
Who moved to Hawaii in 1820?
2 missionaries out of Boston
What was Hawaii involved in when the missionaries arrived and what was done?
Hawaii had been a port in the opium trade
SA & crime at the port
Missionaries do everything they can to stop this
Who was King Kalakaua?
The king of Hawaii
Why did Hawaii request to be annexed in 1842 and what did the U.S. say?
Wanted to keep the U.S. protection
The U.S. said no, it’s to expensive
“We like having a relationship with you, we’ll buy more stuff from you”
What was the Reciprocity Treaty of 1875 signed by Grant & King Kalakua?
“The U.S. & Hawaii will give reciprocity to each other.”
Exclusive relationship
Encourages investments
How much sugar & coffee land did investors buy up and what right did they have if they owned land in Hawaii?
$20 million worth of sugar & coffee land
$25 million/year
The right to vote=have control
What was the private security company that the investors started?
Bayonet Militia
Blaine hosted the Pan-American Conference of 1889 in D.C.. What was it for?
Blaine wanted reciprocity from 18 Central/South American countries
Was just a bunch of parties
After King Kalakaua dies in 1891 his sister, Queen Liliuokalani takes the throne. What does she do?
She is upset about the U.S. & Hawaii relationship
She changes the Hawaii constitution on who can vote
Have to be Hawaiian
She threatens investors with eminent domain without compensation
What events occurred on January 17, 1893?
Safety Committee stands in front of the door at ‘Iolani Palace and read a note what deposed the Queen
The threat is not the committee, it is the 162 Marine members behind them
Queen gives up her throne
After the coup détente in 1893 Hawaii becomes the Republic of Hawaii. Who was the leader and what did he do?
Sanford Dole is the President
Asked President Cleveland to annex Hawaii
Cleveland says no but he will recognize the change in power
When did Hawaii get annexed, gain U.S. citizenship, and become the 50th state?
1898: Annexed by President McKinley
1900: Hawaiians gained U.S. citizenship
1959: Hawaii becomes the 50th state
From 1868-1878, the Cuban Revolution was occurring. What was the war called and what happened?
The Ten Years’ War
Cuba v. Spain
U.S. wants Cuba to win
Want to work with other Republics
U.S. “doesn’t want to get involved” because of their own issues
Cuba lost
Cubans have to live under extreme oppression
What was the USS Virginus?
A U.S. ship that was selling guns to the Cuban revolutionaries
Gets caught
53 executed by the Spanish
U.S. demands money from Spain
What did the McKinley Tariff of 1890 do?
Spain gives reciprocity on Cuban sugar
encourages investment
$50 million in Cuban plantations
$100 million/year on Cuban sugar
What was the Wilson-Gorham Tariff of 1894 and what did it do to Hawaii/Cuba?
40% tax on sugar, no reciprocity
Does nothing to Hawaii
Cuban sugar prices increase
Spanish landlords have to lower Cuban sugar prices
What was the cause of the 1895 Cuban Revolution?
40% tax on Cuban sugar→
lower prices=
lower wages
lower conditions
higher living prices
Who was General Valeriano Weyler?
Spanish Army officer and colonial administrator who served as the Governor-General of the Philippines and the Governor-General of Cuba, and later as the Minister for War
What was newspaper propaganda called and who were the two main ones?
Yellow Journalism
NY Journal led by William Randolph Hearst
New York World led by Joseph Pulitzer
Both men hired RF Outcault to illustrate for them. What was his work Hogan’s Alley?
First color cartoon in any newspaper
Mickey Dugan
Always in a yellow shirt
“Yellow Kid”
What are the details of the sinking of the USS Maine on Feb. 15,1898?
U.S. people. blamed Spain
Don’t actually know what happened
260 American sailors dead
What was the DeLôme Letter?
A letter written by Enrique DeLôme, Spanish ambassador to Washington D.C., on Feb. 9, 1898 saying…
McKinley is a people pleaser
Called the U.S. weak
What did Senator Redfield Proctor do?
He had just gone to Cuba
“Everything you’ve been reading is all true!”
Americans want war
On April 25, 1898 the U.S. declared war on Spain “in defense”. When this occurred the Teller Amendment was passed, what did it say?
“When we win the U.S. will not acquire CUBAN territory.”
When and where was the first battle of the Spanish-American War?
May 1,1898 in the Philippines (for leverage)
The Philippines was another Spanish colony in rebellion. Who was the leader of this rebellion?
Emilio Aguinaldo
Who led the small U.S. Naval fleet?
Admiral George Dewey
What were the results when a small U.S. Naval fleet sailed to Manilla Bay?
1 American death
13,000 Spanish POW
When and where in Cuba did the U.S. Navy sail to from Tampa?
June 20-25, 1898:
Santiago, southern part of Cuba where naval bases are
What occurred from July 1-16, 1898?
There are 3 hills surrounding Santiago, San Juan being one of them. The U.S. has to charge up them
Who was this charge led by?
Roosevelt and his Rough Riders
Who was on the front lines and took most of the gun fire in this charge?
9th and 10th Negro Cavalries
24th and 25th Negro Infantry
What did the U.S. gain and not gain in the Treaty of Paris of 1898?
Puerto Rico
Did not gain:
What did the Platt Amendment say?
“Cuba is fully independent when they are mature enough to handle it.”
Why did the U.S. want to create the Panama Canal?
It would cut the travel time in ½ transferring gold from one side of the country to the other
What was the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty of 1850?
The U.S. isn’t mature enough to handle this canal
“Any canal built across Central American must be internationally controlled and cannot be fortified”
U.S. cannot go at it alone
What was the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty of 1901?
U.S. may control the canal
U.S. brokers a deal with French Panama Canal Co.
French wanted $80 million
U.S. reduced it to $40 million
What was the Hay-Herran Treaty of 1903?
“The U.S. will put down $10 million kind of like a deposit, and the U.S. will agree to pay $250,000/year in rent for the territory.”
Both have to get it approved by higher ups
After Columbia said no to this agreement TR & the French Co. are furious. Who was the manager of the French Co. who advocated for Panama to become its own independent republic?
Philippe Bunau-Varilla
What was the Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty of 1903?
The agreement that was come to.
“The U.S may rent the area of the Panama Canal for $10 million + $250,000/year.”