What are the 3 most important elements of physical geography for agriculture?
crumbly texture provides structure for water/air
rich base of organic materials
diverse populations of microorganisms
How does climate influence agriculture?
helps farmers determine the types of crops to grow or animals to raise
What are the 4 major climate groups that are important to agriculture?
What are the 2 broad categories of agricultural practices?
subsistence agriculture
commercial agriculture
What does intensive agriculture require?
advanced technologies/high inputs
What are the 7 types of intensive agriculture?
market gardening
plantation agriculture
mixed crop/livestock agriculture
paddy rice agriculture
grain agriculture
livestock fattening
dairy farming
What are the 3 types of extensive agriculture?
shifting cultivation
nomadic herding
livestock ranching
What percentage of the Earth’s surface is cultivated or pastured?
Do agricultural practices and rural land-use patterns complement each other to make up the agricultural landscape?
Do extensive agricultural practices generally have a less permanent impact on the landscape?
What are the 3 primary rural settlement patterns?
subsistence agriculture
food production mainly for consumption by the farming family and local community, rather than for sale in the market
cash crop
raised to be sold for profit rather than to feed the farm family and the livestock
marketing gardening
small-scale farming system in which a farmer plants one to few acres that produce a diverse mixture of crops, mostly for sale in local and regional markets
large landholding devoted to capital-intensive specialized production of a single tropical or subtropical crop for the global marketplace
commercial agriculture
farming oriented exclusively toward the production of agricultural commodities for sale in the market
small-scale farmers who own their fields, rely chiefly on family labor, and produce both for their own subsistence and for sale in the market
a fast-growing cereal plant that is widely grown in warm regions with poor soil
root crops
vegetables that form below ground and must be dug at maturity such as potatoes and yams
cereal grains
seeds that come from wide variety of grasses cultivated around the world including wheat, barley, oats, and corn
truck farm
scaled-up version of market gardening, with more acreage, less crop diversity, and a stronger orientation toward more distant markets
grain farming
highly mechanized commercial farming system that speacilizes in the production of cereal grains
fenced enclosure used for intensive livestock feeding
nomadic herding
system of breeding and rearing herd livestock by following seasonal movement of rainfall to areas of open pasture lands
livestock ranching
practice of using extensive tracts of land to raise herds of livestock to sell as meat or wool
vast, flat, treeless arctic region that is permanently frozen
What does intensive agriculture require?
high levels of labor and money
The second agricultural revolution coincided with
the Industrial Revolution
average pattern of weather over a 30-year pattern for a particular region
components of topsoil necessary for plants to survive, grow, and reproduce
arrangement of shapes on Earth’s surface
planting and harvesting of domesticated plants and the raising of domesticated animals for food
individuals who pratice agriculture by growing crops, raising animals
seasonal reversal of winds with a general onshore movement in summer and a general offshore movement in winter
moderate climate
climate that has a large range of temperatures and moderate percipitation
day-to-day atmospheric conditions that affect daily decisions
humid subtropical climate
climate with long, hot summers and short, mild winters with variable percipitation
semiarid climate
climate that receives about 10-20 inches of rain anually that can support farming
physical geography
study of Earth’s physical characteristics and processes
arid climate
climate that receives less than 10 inches of rain annually
tropical wet climate
climate located along the equator that experiences rain everyday of the year
tropical wet and dry climate
climate located along the equator that has a dry season with little to no rain
A major benefit to crop rotation would be
farmers can replenish the soil and improve agricultural productivity
The Third Agricultural Revolution is also known as
Green Revolution
deliberate modification of the Earth’s surface through the cultivation of plants of plants and/or rearing of animals
The first _______________________ occurred in South and Southeast Asia more than 14,000 years ago.
tropical plant domestication
Seed crops marked the first agricultural revolution, which likely originated in the ______________________________
Fertile Crescent
___________________________ occurred about 8,000 years ago.
Domestication of animals
The Second Agricultural Revolution
Moved agriculture beyond subsistence farming to generate surpluses needed to feed thousands of people working in factories.
______________________________ encouraged land consolidation into large, single-owner holdings.
Great Britain's Enclosure Act
New technologies transformed farming, and there were advances in _________________
breeding livestock
Green Revolution
Since the 1930s, agricultural scientists have experimented with technologically manipulated seed varieties to increase crop yields.
The Green Revolution has been criticized for its use of genetically modified crops and chemical fertilizers and _____________
________ are found in 75% of all processed foods in the US.
Purpose of Commercial Agriculture
Produced mainly for sale off the farm
Purpose of Subsistence Agriculture
Produced mainly for the farm family's survival
Location of Commercial Agriculture
more developed countries
Location of Subsistence Agriculture
less developed countries
Machinery for Commercial Agriculture
High use of machinery
Machinery for Subsistence Agriculture
Low use of machinery
Farm size of Commercial Agriculture
Large farms
Farm size of Subsistence Agriculture
Small farms
Commercial Agriculture’s relationship to other businesses
Integrated into other businesses
Subsistence Agriculture’s relationship to other businesses
Consumption of food varies around the world primarily based on physical geography and level of __________________________
socioeconomic development.
Developing regions differ most in their primary sources of ________ consumed.
The UN estimates that ______ million people are undernourished.
Land is cleared by ___________________ agriculture (land is only tended for a few years at a time).
slash and burn
intensive subsistence
Found in areas with high population and agricultural densities (East, South, and Southeast Asia).
Livestock is fed with crops grown on the ______ farm.
Income is from the sale of ________ products.
mixed crop and livestock farming
Involves crop rotation, which helps maintain fertility of the land.
Dairy Farming is found in
NE US, SE Canada, and NW Europe.
grain farming and livestock
Largest commercial producer of grain is in the US.
_________________ is practiced in the US, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Australia.
Livestock ranching
plantation farming
Involves the production of one crop.
Examples of plantation farming
bananas, sugarcane, coffee, tea, cocoa, cotton, rubber, palm oil, etc.
food supplies have increased despite constant demand.
Sustainable agriculture
managing land properly.
Population growth
population growth compels commercial and subsistence farmers to consider new farming approaches that can produce enough.
International trade
LDCs need to grow crops for subsistence, people in MDCs want a larger variety.
Drug crops
cocaine and marijuana in South America and opium and heroin.
Expanding agricultural land:
desertification in the Sahel.
Increasing productivity
high-yield seeds, fertilizers, and the Green Revolution.
Identifying new food sources
cultivating oceans, developing higher protein cereals, and improving palatability of foods.
arable land
land that is suitable for farmingIn
Intensive Farming labor and capital
High level of labor and capital input
Extensive Farming labor and capital
Lower level of labor and capital input
Intensive farming land area
Small farms
Extensive farming land area
large farms
Intensive Farming location
Practiced in densely populated regions
Extensive Farming location
Practiced in moderately populated regions
Intensive farming market proximity
Near to the market
Extensive farming market proximity
Remotely located
Intensive farming farm size
Extensive farming farm size
relating to the city, with a large population densely compacted.v
relating to the countryside, sparsely populated where farming occurs.
found in cultures where small villages or settlements are clustered together, with fields surrounding the collection of houses and buildings.
found in mountains and or in very separate farmlands where families live on individual farms, isolated from neighbors.