Review-Ch 11 statistics

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T statistic (for regression line)

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Inference for regression

23 Terms


T statistic (for regression line)

  • tests whether the slope of the true regression line is 0

    • if rejecting that the slope of the true regression line is 0 → regression line will be useful in PREDICTING y given x

    • if not rejecting → plausible that the positive/negative trend seen is solely due to CHANCE variation that ALWAYS results when you have ONLY 1 sample

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Confidence Interval(regression line)

  • helps to DECIDE whether the linear relationship is statistically significant & practical significance

    • ___the average increase/decrease in___population

  • If claim is not in the intervalnot supported claim

If Confidence interval has…

  • All positive values → evidence for positive association

  • All negative values → evidence for negative association

  • BOTH positive and negative values → no evidence for an association

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the slope of the true regression line

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the y intercept

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Hypothesised slope

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slope(estimate from a sample)

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df(regression line)

n-2, because a sampling distribution is a t-distribution

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S: Standard error(regression)

  • spread around the regression line

  • the difference BETWEEN predicted(estimates) and the actual scores are measured with this residual standard deviation

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Sum of squared errors

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  • for every 1 increase/decrease in x, there is a predicted increase/decrease in y

  • The slope(* correlation sign is same as slope sign) of a regression line is in the middle of the Confidence Interval

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Correlation coefficient, can be from -1 to 1

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coefficient of determination

  • “__% of the variation in y can be attributed/accounted for by the variation in x

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Significance Test(Regression line)


  1. approximately normal distribution of y for a fixed value of x

  • The means lie on a line

  • Standard deviation is CONSTANT across ALL x values

  1. ONE of below

    1. SRS from a bivariate(2) population


    2. independent random sample with ( x,y ) values given

  2. roughly linear scatterplot

  3. Residual plot has no pattern/curvature

  4. Residual distribution looks approximately normal or uniform(on x axis ALONE)


name test: t-test for the slope of a population regression line

1) Conditions


let B represent the slope of ___between x and y

Ho: B=0

HA: B≠,<,> 0.

3) Test stat, p-value



  • smaller p value→STRONGER evidence against the null hypothesis bc farther from α → “sufficient evidence”

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Confidence Interval(Regression Line)


  1. approximately normal distribution of y for a fixed value of x

  • The means lie on a line

  • Standard deviation is CONSTANT across ALL x values

  1. ONE of below

    1. SRS from a bivariate(2) population


    2. independent random sample with ( x,y ) values given

  2. roughly linear scatterplot

  3. Residual plot has no pattern/curvature

  4. Residual distribution looks approximately normal or uniform(on x axis ALONE)


1) Conditions

2) Computations

CI=b1+- t* sb1

df= n-2

t*=invt(% thingy, df)

3) Interpret in Context

“We are __% sure that the true slope of the line of regression between x var and y var lies BETWEEN the interval ( , )”

“Out of 100 such Confidence Interval, when constructed from random samples. The expected true value B1 to be #(as a number) of them”

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line of mean/averages

uy=bo+ b1x

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size of on depends on…

  1. Sample Size(n)

  2. Variability in y

<p> size of on depends on…</p><ol><li><p>Sample Size(n)</p></li><li><p>Variability in <mark data-color="purple">y</mark></p></li></ol>
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Standard error

The slope varies less when…

  1. Sample size larger

  2. values of y tend closer to the regression line

  3. values of x more spread out

<p><strong>The slope</strong> varies <span style="color: red">less </span>when…</p><ol><li><p>Sample size<span style="color: green"> larger</span></p></li><li><p>values of <mark data-color="purple">y </mark>tend closer to <strong>the regression line</strong> </p></li><li><p>values of <mark data-color="blue">x </mark>more <mark data-color="green">spread out </mark></p></li></ol>
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Power transformation


the base is what changes

(log x, log y)

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Exponential model


the exponent is what changes

( x, log y)

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Ln transformations

(ln x, ln y)

  • the LSRL is ln(y var)=a+b(ln(y var)

    which also EQUALS y var=ea+xb

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“Cubic or more” transformation

  • see if Confidence Interval capturers 3(n) or not

  • CI could potentially be too big/small

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General conclusions

  • if the slope was actually BIO only a (p-value number) chance of getting a slope as far or FARTHER than b1 is from BIO for an SRS of units

  • if a transformation is made→include it in the LSLR equation & conclusion

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Graphing Analyzation


  • If there are gaps/empty space in the middle suggest 2 clusters→ If analyzed separately could result in other answers

Graphing calculator

  • if HA is 1 sided→p value on calculator graph /2

  • S=standard deviation

  • constant(intercept) coef= bo

  • x variable coef =b1$

<p>Scatterplot</p><ul><li><p>If there are gaps/empty space in <sub>the </sub>middle suggest 2 clusters→ If analyzed separately could result in other answers</p></li></ul><p>Graphing calculator </p><ul><li><p>if H<sub>A </sub>is 1 sided→p value on calculator graph /2 </p></li><li><p>S=standard deviation </p></li><li><p>constant(intercept) coef= bo </p></li><li><p>x variable coef =b1$</p></li></ul>
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