Anml Food production final

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Poultry is a term for domestic fowl raised for what?

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Poultry is a term for domestic fowl raised for what?

  • Meat: Chicken, turkey, ducks, geese, pigeons, ostrich, emu, partridge, pheasant.

  • Eggs: Chickens, ducks, ostrich, emu

  • Feathers: Chickens and ostrich

  • Work: Homing and racing pigeons

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What happened in 1971 that lead to 3 million birds being destroyed?

Newcastle disease spread in LA

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What vaccine was approved that lead to 25-60% less deaths in poultry?

Marek’s vaccine

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What countries have the highest poultry numbers?

United States





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What is the world total for poultry numbers?

30 billion

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What taxonomy class do poultry belong to?

Aves (avian)

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What is taxonomy genus and species for chickens?

Gallus genus and species Gallus domesticus

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What does the breed section of taxonomy differentiate?

Breeds are animals of common origin and have characteristics that distinguish them from other groups of the same species.

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What does the variety section of taxonomy differentiate?

Variety is a subdivision of breed that have differentiating characteristics such as body shape, skin color, feathered or non-feathered shanks.

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What does the strain section of taxonomy differentiate?

Strain is a family or breeding population within a variety that possesses common traits.

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What are the chicken egg breeds and describe their characteristics.

Leghorn, Ancona, and Minorca: egg breeds with good laying hens. The produce 20 dozen eggs in their first laying year and 16-18 dozen in their second laying year.

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What are pullets and describe their egg production characteristics.

Pullets: At 20-24 weeks pullets first eggs are small and they lay one egg every 3-4 days. At 30 weeks their eggs are normal sizes, and they produce 2 eggs every 3 days.

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How many pounds of feed per day do white eggs breeds and brown eggs breeds eat for every dozen eggs produced?

White eggs breeds: 3lbs/every dozen eggs produced

Brown eggs breeds: 3.5lbs/every dozen eggs produced

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What are the top chicken meat breeds and why?

Orpington, Cornish, and australorp. Greater feed conversion ratios than the eggs breeds.

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What are some dual-purpose chicken breeds?

New- Hampshire, Plymouth Rock, and Rhode Island Red. They can produce up to 16 dozen eggs per year and have a slower feed conversion ratio.

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What are some of the chicken exhibition breeds?

Leghorns, australorps, plymouth rocks, Rhode Island reds (Some of the same breeds kept for meat and eggs)

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Characteristics of chicken breeds: Leghorns

  • 12 common varieties

  • They are egg-laying, laying 240-250 eggs per year.

  • Leghorns are the most numerous breed in the US.

  • They come from leghorn, Italy

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Characteristics of chicken breeds: Bantams

  • ¼ or less the size of large fowl

  • Seabrights and silkies

  • Mini version of larger breeds

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Describe the characteristics of chicken breeds: Araucana

  • Produce blue and greenish-colored eggs.

  • They are rumples and have no tail.

  • Araucanas are dual-purpose

  • South America (N. Chile)

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Describe the characteristics of these chicken breeds: Ameracauna

  • Closely related to araucana

  • Docile and sweet

  • Muffs and beards

  • Lay blue eggs

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Describe the characteristics of chicken breeds: Plymouth Rocks

  • 7 common varieties

  • Considered to be good general farm chickens

  • Cross between Dominique, Java, Cochin, and Brahma.

  • Hardy, docile, and good mothers

  • Meat and egg breeds, produce brown eggs

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Describe the characteristics of chicken breeds: Rhode Island Red

  • Typically dark red with black in the main tail

  • Hardy and dual-purpose, used for both meat and eggs.

  • Produce brown eggs

  • Can handle poor diets and poor housing and still produce eggs.

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Describe the characteristics of chicken breeds: New Hampshire

  • Rhode Island reds selected for rapid growth, fast feathering, and early maturity.

  • Dual-purpose, used more for meat but they also produce large brown eggs

  • Competitive and aggressive

  • Have plump carcass-used as either broiler or roaster

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Describe the characteristics of chicken breeds: Cornish

  • Ultimate meat bird

  • Wide compact bodies that lead to poor fertility

  • Wide muscular breasts and short legs

  • Brown eggs

  • More cannibalistic than other breeds

  • Cornwall, England

  • Have short feathers so they need protection from cold weather.

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Describe the characteristics of chicken breeds: Ross

  • Industry standard for broiler growth rate, feed conversion, and meat yield.

  • White or brown eggs

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Describe the parts of a chickens skeletal structure.

  • S-shaped cervical vertebrate with rigid conformation for flight.

  • Fused spinal vertebrate

  • Pneumatic bones

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Poultry: What is “fast twitch”?

Muscles considered white meat

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Poultry: What is “slow twitch”?

Muscles considered dark meat

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Describe the passage of the digestive system for poultry.

Mouth/beak → esophagus → crop → proventriculus → Gizzard → small intestine → ceca → large intestine → Cloaca → vent

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Describe the following part of the avian digestive system: Crop

  • Pouch that comes after the esophagus that stores feed

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Describe the following part of the avian digestive system: Proventriculus

  • True stomach where feed is hydrated and digested

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Describe the following part of the avian digestive system: Ventriculus (gizzard)

Muscular stomach that grinds feed and grit/stone

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Describe the following part of the avian digestive system: Ceca

  • Avians have 2

  • Where the absorptions of water and fermentation happen

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Describe the following part of the avian digestive system: Colon

  • Avian have short colons.

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Describe the following part of the avian digestive system: Cloaca

  • Common outlet of the GI, urinary, and reproductive system.

  • Feces are mixed with urate crystals

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Describe the respiratory system of avian.

Avian need to take two breaths to inhale and exhale, 2 inspirations and 2 expirations.

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Grades of chickens: Broiler or fryer

Usually 6-8 weeks old and weigh 2.5-4.5 pounds.

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Grades of chicken: Roaster

Less than 8 months old and weigh over 4 pounds.

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Grades of chicken: Capon

Castrated males under 8 months old

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Grades of chicken: Stag

Male chicks under 10 months old

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Grades of chicken: Roosters

Mature male chickens

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Grades of chicken: Hens or stewing chicken

Older than 10 months old

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What is a chickens normal vital signs? (Temp and pulse)

  • Temp: 104-109°F

  • Pulse: 300 bpm

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Poultry: What is the best balanced diet for: Meat breeds, dual purpose (0-18 wks), and layers (0-18 wks)

High protein and low calcium diet

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Poultry: What is the best balanced diet for: Layers 18 wks and older

Low protein and high calcium

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What would happen if you gave a growers diet to laying hens?

They would produce fewer eggs that are soft and malformed.

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What would happen if you gave a layers diet to a growing bird?

Bird would experience growth problems, kidney damage, and death.

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Describe the following supplements for chickens: Grit

Foraging chickens need this to grind plant material (ex: Granite grit)

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Describe the following supplements for chickens: Salt

Foraging chicks need this to prevent cannibalism. (Ex: kelp or iodized)

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Describe the following supplements for chickens: Calcium

Eggshells are made of calcium carbonate, oyster shells, limestone, and aragonite.

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Describe the following supplements for chickens: Phosphorous

Interrelated with calcium. (Defluorinated rock phosphate)

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What are the minimum housing requirements for chickens?

Good drainage, heated or insulated in cold weather, screened openings for ventilation, and electricity (layers require 14 hours of light every day). (Exhaust, fans, cooling, lighting)

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Poultry: Describe the following design options for housing: Open sheds

Designed for free-range birds

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Poultry: Describe the following design options for housing: Semi-enclosed

Provides more protection and environmental control

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Poultry: Describe the following design options for housing: Enclosed housing

Provides more regulation of light, temperature, and ventilation

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Poultry: What does a cage system include?

  • Small wire compartments with feeders

  • Waterers

  • Sloping floors

  • Dropping pits

  • Conveyer belts for feed and eggs

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Poultry: What is proposition 2?

Requires eggs in California to come from chickens that have enough room to fully extend their limbs and turn around freely.

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Describe the following diseases of poultry: Aspergillosis

  • Fungal respiratory disease of chickens

  • Prevented by reducing risk of mold by reducing moisture in litter and feed.

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Describe the following diseases of poultry: Avian influenza

  • Symptoms: Coughing, sneezing, and diarrhea

  • 90% mortality rate

  • Spread by wild waterfowl

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Describe the following diseases of poultry: Coccidiosis

Protozoal parasite that causes bloody diarrhea

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Describe the following diseases of poultry: Curled-toe paralysis

  • Caused by a B2 (riboflavin) deficiency.

  • Causes degenerative changes in the myelin sheath of nerve fibers.

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Describe the following diseases of poultry: Infectious Coryza

  • Common cold in chickens

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Describe the following diseases of poultry: Marek’s disease

  • Virus that can manifest in many forms including:

    • Skin form (white bumps/ crusty brown scabs)

    • Nerve form (paralysis)

    • Eye form (blindness)

    • Internal organ form (tumors, enlarged abdomen)

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Describe the following diseases of poultry: Mites

Common in red and norther fowl

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Describe the following diseases of poultry: Mycoplasmosis

Caused coughing, foamy eyes, and periorbital swelling

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Describe the following diseases of poultry: New Castle disease

  • Affected 3 million birds in 1971

  • Can infect an entire flock in 2 days

  • Caused coughing, sneezing, greenish diarrhea, paralysis, and twisted neck.

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Describe the following diseases of poultry: Perosis (slipped tendon)

  • Caused by deficiency in manganese, choline, biotin, B3, or folic acid

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Describe the following diseases of poultry: Poult Enteritis Mortality syndrome

Diarrhea in turkeys 7-28 days old

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Describe the following diseases of poultry: Pullorum Disease (salmonella pullorum)

  • Diarrhea in chicks

  • Spread to poultry through rodents, lizards, and cold blooded animals then spread to flock through vertical transmission

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Describe the following diseases of poultry: Roundworms

  • Intestinal parasites

  • Eggs ingested are hatched in digestive system and then eggs pass out in droppings.

  • Cause unthriftly, ruffled feathers, and anemia

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How can you prevent cannibalism in poultry?

Beak trimming

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Poultry: Describe the following consumer grades of eggs: Grade AA

  • Highest consumer grade

  • Whites are thick and firm, yolks are high, round and almost free from defects.

  • Clean unbroken shells

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Poultry: Describe the following consumer grades of eggs: Grade B

  • Thinner whites, yolks are wider and flatter, shells have slight stains.

  • Used for liquid, frozen, or dried egg products

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What is candling?

Examines egg for shell soundness, interior quality, and stage of embryonic development.

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How many pounds of meat are produced from Turkeys?

7.2 billion lbs per year

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What country are turkeys native to?


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Describe the following turkey breed: Broadbreasted white

  • Require AI because their breast muscle is large

  • Preferred over bronze because pin feathers are harder to detect after

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Describe the following turkey breed: Broadbreasted bronze:

Calmer and easier to handle

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Describe the following turkey breed: American Mammoth bronze

Less developed breast muscles

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Describe the following turkey breed: White Beltsville

  • Cross between the white holland, white Australian, Narragansett, Bronze, and a wild turkey.

  • Developed between 1934 and 1941 to fill consumer demand for turkey.

  • Meaty, well finished, free from dark pinfeathers

  • Able to fit in apartment sized refrigerators, ovens and feed a small family.

  • Able to breed naturally

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What are ducks used for?

Used for meat, eggs, and eating weeds.

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What are leading duck states by numbers?

Indiana, Wisconsin, California

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What breed do most ducks originate from? Which one does not originate from this breed?

Most originate from Wild Mallard EXCEPT the Muscovy

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Describe the following duck breeds: Khaki Campbell

  • Best for egg production (300/yr)

  • Active forager

  • Adapt to wide range of climates

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Describe the following duck breeds: Indian Runner

  • Originate in E. Indies

  • Put to work cleaning snails and waste grains from rice paddies

  • Move faster and prefer to run than waddle

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Describe the following duck breeds: Welsh Harlequin

  • Dual purpose: table birds and produce eggs

  • Lack a strong sense of self-preservation

  • Vulnerable to predators

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Describe the following duck breeds: Pekin

  • Most desirable duck in US and Australia

  • Fast growing → greater % of fat than other birds

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Describe the following duck breeds: American Buff

  • Dual purpose

  • 240 eggs per year

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Describe the following duck breeds: Cayuga

  • Hardiest of domestic ducks

  • Good hatchers and mothers

  • Dual purpose

  • Originated in NY

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Describe the following duck breeds: Muscovy

  • Brazil

  • Caruncles above the eyes and around the beak

  • Quakless and have claws

  • When bred with other breeds they produce mules

  • Originate from Maleagris galiop

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History of Geese

  • oldest domestic animals

  • Domesticated in China 6k years ago

  • Gifted in weddings to symbolize faithfulness and loyalty because geese are monogamous and mate for life

  • Served at first thanksgiving dinner

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Describe the following geese breeds: Toulouse

  • Largest, most popular breed in US.

  • Bodies will drag on the ground

  • Hardy

  • From France

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Geese breeds: Elden

  • Fast growth and large in size

  • Blue eyes and have a tall and erect stance

  • Air of intelligence

  • Can be sexed when younger because males are lighter in color .

  • Germany

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What are some signs of aggression in ducks and geese?

Beelining, neck stretched, head down, and hissing sounds

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Poultry: What are some ways to prevent aggression?

  • Greet bird

  • Clap, stomp feet, wave arms, or extend arms with pointed finger to intimidate

  • Restraint

  • Proper stocking rate

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Describe the types of feed that the following birds eat: Mallard derived

Vegetable and some animal matter

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Describe the types of feed that the following birds eat: Geese

Vegetarian diet

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Describe the types of feed that the following birds eat: Muscovy

Mainly animal matter and some vegetables

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Describe the bonding between Mallards, Muscovy and geese.

Mallard: Bond in pairs; seasonal

Muscovy: Indiscriminate; mules mate with mallards

Geese: Bonded for life

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What are the top 3 states in ostrich numbers?

Texas, California, Kansas

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