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Lifespan Approach
Study of development across entire life.
Development involves multiple interacting dimensions.
Development can progress in various directions.
Development influenced by environmental contexts.
Involves multiple academic disciplines.
Development occurs throughout an individual's life.
Capacity for change in response to experiences.
Cohort Effects
Influence of shared experiences within a group.
Debate on genetic vs. environmental influences.
Study of how environment affects gene expression.
Continuous Development
Gradual, cumulative changes over time.
Discontinuous Development
Development occurs in distinct stages.
Psychoanalytic Theory
Focus on unconscious influences on behavior.
Behavioral Theory
Learning through interactions with the environment.
Cognitive Theory
Focus on mental processes in development.
Bioecological Theory
Development influenced by multiple environmental systems.
Evolutionary Theory
Behavior shaped by evolutionary processes.
Learning Theories
Focus on how learning occurs.
Genetic Disorders
Diseases caused by mutations or missing genes.
Union of sperm and egg to form zygote.
Formation of two embryos from one fertilized egg.
Assistive Reproductive Technologies
Methods to aid conception, e.g., IVF.
Harmful substances causing birth defects.
Prenatal Development Stages
Germinal, embryonic, and fetal periods.
Stages of Delivery
Phases during the childbirth process.
Expected Birth Weight
Average weight at birth, typically 5.5-8.8 lbs.
Low Birth Weight Risk
Increased health complications for newborns.
Patterns of Growth
Trends in physical and cognitive development.
Serve and Return Interaction
Responsive interactions crucial for infant development.
Language Development Progression
Stages of language acquisition in children.
Goodness of Fit
Compatibility between child's temperament and environment.
Parenting Styles
Baumrind's model categorizes parenting approaches.
Cognitive Theory in Classroom
Application of cognitive principles in education.
Sex Differentiation
Process determining male or female characteristics.
Scientific Method
Systematic approach to research and inquiry.
Classical Conditioning
Learning through association, as demonstrated by Pavlov.
Operant Conditioning
Behavior shaped by consequences, as per Skinner.
Social Cognitive Theory
Learning through observation, proposed by Bandura.
Study of behavior influenced by biology.
Ecological Theory
Development shaped by environmental interactions.
Maslow's Humanistic Theory
Motivation driven by fulfilling basic needs.
Stage 1
Contractions and cervix dilation, longest birth stage.
Stage 2
Baby moves through birth canal, lasts 10-40 minutes.
Stage 3
Delivery of placenta after baby is born.
Apgar Scale
Evaluates newborn's health through various criteria.
Measures newborn behavior and neurological development.
Assesses newborn neurological and behavioral functioning.
Uterus returns to normal size postpartum.
Postpartum Blues
Mild, temporary mood swings after childbirth.
Postpartum Depression
Severe, long-lasting depression post childbirth.
Physical Growth
Children grow 2-3 inches, gain 5-7 pounds annually.
Body Proportions
Head and waist circumference decrease relative to height.
Bone Ossification
Bones become more flexible, aiding physical activity.
Concrete Operational Stage
Piaget's stage for ages 7-11, logical operations develop.
Ordering stimuli based on a characteristic.
Understanding relationships between different objects.
Information Processing
Improved attention, memory, and executive functions in children.
Motor Skills Development
Skills become smoother; girls excel in fine motor skills.
Increased myelination enhances fine motor skills.
Physical Activity Benefits
Regular exercise lowers metabolic disease risks.
Leading cause of severe injury in middle childhood.
Overweight Risks
Increased risk of diabetes and hypertension in children.
Second leading cause of death in children 5-14.
Special Education Services
14.4% of U.S. children receive these services.
Learning Disabilities
Includes dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia.
Characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity.
Individualized Education Plans
Tailored educational support for students with disabilities.
Least Restrictive Environment
Promotes inclusion of disabled children in classrooms.
Inclusion Practices
Integrates special needs children into regular classrooms.
Critics of Piaget
Argue cognitive development is influenced by culture.
Emphasize information processing in cognitive development.
Strategy enhancing memory retention through detailed processing.
Mental Imagery
Visualizing concepts to improve understanding and recall.
Awareness and regulation of one's own thinking processes.
Creative Thinking
Generating unique solutions to problems creatively.
Critical Thinking
Evaluating evidence and reasoning for informed conclusions.
Divergent Thinking
Producing multiple answers to foster creativity.
Convergent Thinking
Seeking a single correct answer, typical in tests.
Scientific Thinking
Asking fundamental questions to promote inquiry-based learning.
Ability to solve problems and adapt to situations.
Cognitive Abilities
Skills including reasoning, problem-solving, and understanding.
Individual Differences
Stable ways people differ in cognitive abilities.
Binet Tests
Early intelligence tests introducing mental age concept.
Mental Age (MA)
Level of mental development compared to peers.
Intelligence Quotient (IQ)
Calculated by (Mental Age/Chronological Age) x 100.
Normal Distribution of IQ
Scores cluster around average with fewer extremes.
Wechsler Scales
Provide overall IQ and various composite indexes.
Verbal Comprehension Index
Measures verbal reasoning and understanding skills.
Working Memory Index
Assesses ability to hold and manipulate information.
Processing Speed Index
Evaluates speed of cognitive processing tasks.
Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
Posits analytical, creative, and practical intelligence types.
Analytical Intelligence
Skills in problem-solving and critical thinking.
Creative Intelligence
Ability to generate innovative ideas in novel situations.
Practical Intelligence
Skills for adapting to everyday life challenges.
Gardner's Multiple Intelligences
Proposes eight distinct types of intelligence.
Verbal Intelligence
Language skills and verbal reasoning capabilities.
Mathematical Intelligence
Logical reasoning and problem-solving in mathematics.
Spatial Intelligence
Ability to visualize and manipulate spatial objects.
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
Physical coordination and skill in movement.
Musical Intelligence
Sensitivity to rhythm, pitch, and melody.