Weimar policies
No restrictions on appearance
Allowed to work
Treated as equals
Right to vote
The 3 k's
Kinder = children
Kuche = kitchen
Kirche = church
Goebbels view
“ The mission of women is to be beautiful and to bring children into the world“
Marriage and family
Hitler wanted a high birth rate so the Aryan population would rise
Introduced the law for the encouragement of marriage which gave newlyweds a loan of 1,000 marks
Mother's cross = award given to women with large number of children
Women allowed to volunteer to have a baby for an Aryan SS member
Introduction of the law for the reduction of unemployment = gave women financial incentives to stay home
Not conscripting women until 1943
However, between 1933-1939 employment rose by 2.4 million
Women expected to emulate traditional German peasant fashion
This meant plain peasant costumes, hair in plaits or buns and flat shoes
Not expected to wear makeup, trousers, dye hair or smoke
Discouraged from staying slim - thought slim women had trouble giving birth