Representative democracy
Citizens elect reps who make decisions on their behalf. These reps are held to account
Direct Democracy
People make decisions via referendums and others. Often used to support representative
Ability someone has to make other do something. E.G Gov exercises power by attempting to change laws
Right to use power. It’s limited to rightful use
Wide acceptance that someone has the lawful right to exercise power
Shows how authority is conditional
Legitimate Gov. has rightful authority, in a democracy gained via election.
Set of rules that define relationship between gov and public
Gov is held to account by public and parliament and can be removed
outlines polices a party will implement if they win. A set of promises to public
Popular permission to carry out manifesto
authority achieved via election
expression of support from public
Policy mandate
Gov arguing that public has consented to manifesto
Suggests Gov. only has authority to pursue policies in manifesto and anything new automatically doesn’t have support of public and MPs
Governing mandate
More flexible, suggests Gov. has authority and freedom to act in line with events and changing political climate
sometimes a leader can become so popular they can claim a personal mandate, which is more about the leader than other MPs and can sometime led to them dominating politics.
allows Gov. to fulfil manifesto and also allows public to hold them to account
problems with doctrine
Believes voters are aware and understand everything in a manifesto
can’t consent to unforeseen events
No party has won over 50% (FPTP provides false mandate)
All or nothing (individual policies can’t be separated)
Suggests MPs should blindly follow party which undermines representation.