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Business Processes
Management Decisions
Mediating Factors
- An organization is a stable, formal social structure that takes resources from the environment and processes them to produce outputs.
- This technical definition focuses on three elements of an organization. Capital and labor are primary production factors provided by the environment.
- is a collection of rights, privileges, obligations, and responsibilities delicately balanced over a period of time through conflict and conflict resolution.
2 categories/outputs of business
Behavioral view of organizations
is that all products is may kinalaman sa environment, it is raw materials from the environment at pinaprocess ng organization para makapagproduce ng output.
Routine Business Process
Organizational Politics
Organizational Culture
Organizational Environments
Organizational Structure
Features of Organization
Routine Business Process
- Sometimes called STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES (SOP) are precise rules, procedures and practices that have been developed to cope with virtually all expected situations.
Organizational Politics
- Political Resistance - One of the great difficulties of bringing about organizational change especially development of the information systems.
Organizational Culture
- Encompasses this set of assumptions about what products the organization should produce, how it should produce them, where, and for whom.
Organizational Environments
- Organization resides in environments from which they draw resources and to which they supply goods and services.
Organizational Environments
- have a reciprocal relationship, is that, an organization are open to and dependent on the social and physical environment that surrounds them, without financial and human resources, that people willing to work reliably and consistently for a set wage and revenue for customers, organizations could not exist, on the other hand, organizations must respond to legislative and other requirements imposed by government as well as the actions of customers and competitors.
Entrepreneurial Sructure
Machine Bureaucracy
Divisionalized Bureaucracy
Professional Bureaucracy
Other Organizational Features
Leader Styles
Organizational Type
Entrepreneurial Structure
Young, small firm in a fast-changing environment.
Entrepreneurial Structure
It has a simple structure and is manage by an entrepreneur serving as its single chief executive officer.
Machine Bureaucracy
o Midsize Manufacturing System
Machine Bureaucracy
o Large bureaucracy existing in an slowly changing environment, producing standard products.
Machine Bureaucracy
o It is dominated by a centralized management team and centralized decision making.
Divisionalized Bureaucracy
o Combination of multiple machines bureaucracies, its producing a different product or services, all topped by one central headquarter.
Divisionalized Bureaucracy
o Fortune 500 firms such as general-motors
Professional Bureaucracy
o About knowledge-based organizations (e.g., law firms, hospital)
Rapidly Changing
Economic Impact
Organizational and Behavioral Impact
Organizational Resistance to Change in an Organization
What is the impact of Information Systems on Organizations?
Economic Impact
- Information technology result in a decline of middle managers and clerical workers as information technology substitute for their labor.
Economic Impact
- Information technology helps firms construct in size, because it can reduce transaction cost.
Economic Impact
- IT changes both the relative costs of capital and the costs of information.
Economic Impact
- As the cost of information technology decreases, it also substitutes for other forms of capital such as buildings and machinery, which remain relatively expensive.
Economic Impact
- IT also affects the cost and quality of information and changes the economics of information.
Economic Impact
- Economic business; proper allocation of web
Flattening Organizations
o in this context means reducing hierarchical layers within an organization.
- Flattening Organizations
o IT systems, especially in modern times, can facilitate communication, collaboration, and decision-making across different levels of an organization.
Flattening Organizations
o As a result, traditional hierarchical structures may become less rigid, with information and decision-making authority distributed more evenly across the organization.
- Post-Industrial Organizations
o often rely heavily on technology, innovation, and intellectual capital to create value. They tend to have flatter organizational structures, greater flexibility, and a higher emphasis on creativity and problem-solving.
- Post-Industrial Organizations
o theories based more on history and sociology than economics also support the notion that IT should flatten hierarchies.
- Understanding Organizational Resistance to Change
can stem from various factors, including fear of the unknown, loss of control, perceived threats to job security, lack of understanding or training, and cultural or institutional inertia. Understanding these factors is crucial for effectively managing and mitigating resistance to change initiatives within organizations.
- Refers to concerns that arise from the use of technology and information system in society.
o is the claim of individuals to be left alone, free from surveillance or interference from other individuals or organizations, including the state. Claims to privacy are also involved at the workplace.
o The use of surveillance technologies, such as CCTV cameras and data tracking software, can infringe on individuals' privacy rights
o Collection, use, and dissemination of personal information in a major ethical issue in information system.
RA 10173
an act protecting individual personal information, DATA PRIVACY ACT OF THE PHILIPPINES yung laman ng survey ay binibigyan ng consent na gamitin ang personal information ng isang individual
RA 10175
act defining cybercrime providing for the prevention, cybersecurity act.
o The security of data is also a critical issue in information systems.
o As technology becomes more advanced, so do the methods used to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data.
o Organizations have a responsibility to protect their data and ensure that it is not compromised.
o About viruses, malware, worms, trojans used to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data
Intellectual Property
o The ownership and protection of intellectual property is a significant ethical issue in information systems. With the ease of copying and sharing digital content, it can be difficult to protect copyrighted material and intellectual property
4 types of intellectual property
It can limit opportunities for individuals and communities, such as access to education, healthcare, and job opportunities.
1. Privacy
2. Security
3. Intellectual Property
4. Access
5. Cyber Bullying
6. Sustainability
Some of the main ethical and social issues
•The digital divide, or the gap between those who have access to technology and those who do not, is a social issue in information systems.
Digital Divide
The gap between those who have access to technology and those who do not, is a social issue in information system.
The use of technology to harass, intimidate, or bully others is a growing social issue in information system.
Can have serious psychological and emotional effects on victims and can be difficult to detect and prevent.
The use of algorithms and artificial intelligence in decision-making processes can lead to bias and discrimination, as the algorithms are based on historical data that may have inherent biases.
The environmental impact of technology and information systems is also an ethical and social issue.
The use of electronic devices and data centers consumes large amounts of energy, and the disposal of electronic waste can have serious environmental consequences
o Cybersecurity and National Security
o Censorship and freedom of speech
o Election Interference
o Digital Democracy
o Surveillance and Privacy
Political Issues
Political Issues in Information System
- Refer to the intersection of technology and politics and the potential impact of information system on political processes and power dynamics.
- Cybersecurity and national security
o is a significant political issue in information systems because cyber-attacks can pose a significant threat to a nation's security and its ability to protect its citizens
- Cybersecurity and national security
o ongoing concern for governments around the world, as the threat of cyber-attacks continues to grow and evolve.
- Cybersecurity and national security
o It is essential to ensure that information systems are designed and maintained with strong security measures to prevent and detect cyber-attacks that could compromise national security and the safety of citizens.
- Censorship and freedom of speech
o are complex issues with various implications for society, politics, and culture.
- Election Interference
o Refers to any efforts to manipulate, disrupt or influence the outcome of an election.
- Election Interference
o This can take many forms, including spreading disinformation, hacking voting systems, or conducting fraudulent activities such as vote-buying or ballot stuffing.
- Election Interference
o can occur domestically or from foreign actors and can have serious consequencies for the democratic process and the legitimacy of election results.
- Digital Democracy
o The use of digital technologies to enhance democratic participation, engagement, and decision-making.
- Digital Democracy
o This can take various forms, such as online voting, crowdsourcing, social media engagement, or digital town hall meetings
- Digital Democracy
o has the potential to increase access, transparency, and inclusiveness in the democratic process, as well as to empower citizens to participate in decision-making and hold governments accountable.
- Digital Democracy
o has the potential to transform the democratic process by increasing citizen engagement and participation
o The principles of right and wrong that individuals acting as face moral agents use to make choices to guide their behavior.
Riffles Effect of Introduction of New Information Systems
1. Political Issues
2. Social Issues
3. Ethical Issues
1. Information Rights and Obligations
2. Property Rights and Obligations
3. Accountability and Control
4. System Quantity
5. Quality of Life
5 moral dimensions information age
Volatile Memory
a type of memory that loses its contents when the computer or hardware device is switched off.
Non-volatile memory
- Memory that keeps its contents saved even in the case of power loss.
1. Kilo Byte
2. Mega Byte
3. Giga Byte
4. Tera Byte
5. Peta Byte
6. Exa Byte
7. Zetta Byte
8. Yotta Byte
Types of Various Units of Memory
- In computer systems, a unit of data that is eight binary digits long is known as a byte. A byte is a unit that computers use to represent a character such as a letter, number, or a typographic symbol
- is the smallest unit of memory measurement but greater than a byte.
- One megabyte is equal to 1, 000 KBs and antecedes the gigabyte (GB) unit of memory measurement.
- Compact Disk’s capacity is measured in megabytes (approx 700 to 800 MB), whereas the capacity of most other forms of media drives, such as hard drives and flash drives, is generally measured in gigabytes or terabytes.
- One terabyte is equal to 1, 000 GBs and precedes the petabyte(PB) unit of memory measurement.
- One petabyte is equal to 1, 000 TBs and precedes the exabyte unit of memory measurement. A petabyte is 1015 or 1, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 bytes and is abbreviated as “PB”.
- unit of memory measurement is so large, that it is not used to measure the capacity of storage devices.
Zetta Byte
- is used to measure the large amounts of data and all the data in the world is just a few zettabytes.
Yotta Byte
- It is a very large number that humans can evaluate. There is no practical use of such a large measurement unit because all the data in the world made of just a few this.
- The use of computers to combine data from multiple sources and create digital dossiers of detailed information on individuals.
Non-Obvious Relationship Awareness (NOR A)
- A data analysis technology has given both the government and the private sector even more powerful profiling capabilities, it can take information about people form many disparate sources, such as employment applications, telephone records, customer listings, and wanted lists, and correlate relationships to find obscure connections that might help identify criminals or terrorists.
- Is a key element of ethical action it means that you accept the potential costs, duties, and obligations for the decisions you make.
- Is a feature of systems and social institutions; it means that mechanisms are in place to determine who took action and who is responsible.
- Extends the concept of responsibility further to the area of law.
Informed Consent
- Can be defined as consent given with knowledge of all the facts needed to make a rational decision.
IT Infrastracture
- refers to the foundational components of an organization's IT system, including hardware, software, and network components that support the organization's information technology services.
IT Infrastracture
- Set of physical and virtual components that support the delivery of IT services within an organization. It includes data centers, and facilities, as well as the policies, procedures, and people required to manage and maintain them.
This includes physical equipment such as servers, storage devices, and network switches.
§ This includes operating systems, databases, and applications used to manage and process data.
System Software
Application Software
2 types of software
System Software
nagrarun ng devices such as operating system – android, ios, windows, chrome, linux
Application Software
A software that is downloadable such as fb, ig, etc.
Network Components
This includes routers, firewalls, switches, and other devices that enable communication between different components of the IT system.
IT Infrastraacture
A set of physicall and virtual component
Emerging Technologies
- are those that are currently being developed or have recently been introduced and have the potential to significantly impact IT infrastructure and the way organizations operate.