Ch 3 - Economic System

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Allocative Efficiency

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18 Terms


Allocative Efficiency

is a mechanism that allows buyers and sellers to exchange a good or service.

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is an economic system where supply and demand determine prices.

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Government intervention

impacts the invisible hand in the economy but they still have an important role to play in the economy.

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spend their wages and profit to purchase the goods and services that the firms supply.

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Educational support

in the form of student loans, grants, etc after higher education is completed.

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The Mixed Economy

is a blend of government commands and capitalism to address the fundamental economic questions which arise.

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Command economy

one which the central government dictates what will or will not be produced.

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Circular Flow Diagram

Diagram that shows how households and firms are related by the exchange of resources and products.

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Allocative Efficiency

free markets are unaffected by third parties who are uninvolved.

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the economic system where supply and demand define the prices.

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Command economy

one which the central government dictates what will or will not be produced

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Economy dominated by the government

they decide what gets produced, in what quantity, and who is entitled to it

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is an economic system where supply and demand determine prices

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Allocative Efficiency

is a mechanism that allows buyers and sellers to exchange a good or service

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The Mixed Economy

is a blend of government commands and capitalism to address the fundamental economic questions which arise

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the economic system where supply and demand define the prices

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Allocative Efficiency

free markets are unaffected by third parties who are uninvolved

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Circular Flow Diagram

Diagram that shows how households and firms are related by the exchange of resources and products

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