- only stuff that I find hard, mostly chapter 4
electrons are found…
outside of the nucleus
protons + neutrons are found…
inside the nucleus
what side of the ptable are metals found?
left side
what side of the ptable are non-metals found
right side
groups go…
periods go…
what group in the ptable are alkali metal found in?
group 1
what group int he ptable are alkaline earth metals found?
group 2
what group in the ptable are halogens
group 17
what group in the ptable are the noble gasses found?
group 18
periods on the table represent…
energy levels
atomic size (on ptable)
bigger as you go down, smaller as you go right
ionization energy (on ptable)
increases as you go right, decreases as you go down
electronegativity (on ptable)
increases as you go right, decreases as you go down
metallic character (on ptable)
metals on the left
nonmetals on the right
increases as you go down
ionization energy definition
the energy required to remove an electron from an atom
changes the amount of electrons in an atom
electronegativity definition
the ability of an atom to attract bonding electrons
metallic character definition
more metallic = one that loses valence electrons easily, is a metal
what are valence electrons?
electrons found in the outermost shell of an atom
how can you find the number of valence electrons in an atom?
the group number IS the amount of valence electrons in an atom
example: group 3a = 3 valence electrons
what does the atomic mass represent?
protons + neutrons
what does the atomic number represent?
number of protons
how do you find the number of electrons in an element?
it is the atomic number, the number of protons is equivalent (if it’s a neutral atom)
how many sig figs do you have in the answer when multiplying and dividing?
the one with the least amount of sig figs
ex: 6.5 × 4.3403 ???
you would need two sig figs since 6.5 has the least amount of sig figs compared to 4.3403
how many sig figs do you have in the answer when adding and subtracting?
determined by the smallest uncertainty
ex: 3.1 + 2.645 ???
3.1 has the smallest uncertainty, so you would do one decimal place