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Renewable resource
A natural resource that can be replaced at the same rate at which the resource is consumed
Nonrenewable resource
A natural resource that is not replaced in a useful time frame.
Surface Mining
cheaper and can remove more minerals; less hazardous to workers because
Ecosystem services of forests
heat balance; carbon storage; water cycling; soil stabilization; habitats
Economic benefits of forests
fuelwood, lumber, mining, recreation, jobs
Selective cutting
cutting down only some trees in a forest and leaving a mix of tree sizes and species behind
Strip cutting
clear-cutting a strip of trees along the contour of land within a corridor narrow enough to allow natural regeneration
Advantages of clear cutting
higher timber yields, maximum profits in shortest time, can reforest with fast growing trees, good for tree species needing full or moderate sunlight
Disadvantages of clear cutting
reduces biodiversity, destroys and fragments wildlife habitats, increases water pollution, flooding and erosion on steep slopes, eliminates most recreational value
How to prevent forests from pathogens and insects
Integrated pest management and the removal of affected trees
Solutions to urban runoff
Replace traditional pavement with permeable pavement, planting trees, using public transportation, building up not out
Economic mining impacts
Provides low cost energy and material necessary to make products
Environmental mining impacts
Destroy habitats, contaminate ground water, releases dust particles and methane
old-growth forests
forest that has never been cut and replanted; original forest - highest biodiversity
Surface fires
Only burn undergrowth and leaf litter- typically beneficial to forests, recycle nutrients
Crown/canopy fires
Typically harmful to forests, burn living trees, increase soil erosion, pose threats to humans and structures
Ecosystem based management
Minimize impacts on the ecosystems and ecological processes that provide the resources
Deforestation is most notable in ____ countries
It takes ____ times as much land to generate the same amount of calories from meat as from plants
Cons of CAFOs
Large amounts of organic pollution, runoff leads to eutrophication, health of animals is secondary
Difference between rangelands and pastures
Rangelands are unfenced, pastures are managed or enclosed
Cons of free range grazing
Requires more land, higher cost to operate, fewer jobs, variability in meat quality
Economic impact of overgrazing
Livestock require more area due to degradation, lower quality forage affects meat/milk production, health is compromised
Rotational grazing
Confining animals to a small area for a short time (often only a day or two) before shifting them to a new location
Conservation grazing
the use of grazing livestock to maintain and increase biodiversity of natural or semi natural grassland by controlling more aggressive plant species and preventing the development of scrub
Stable runoff
the share of runoff from precipitation that can be depended on every month
Withdrawal of water
Total amount taken
Consumptive use of water
Removed and not returned
Non-consumptive use of water
does not remove, or only temporarily removes, water
Advantages of dams
Electricity, flood control, water-security, recreation
Disadvantages of dams
Alter ecosystems, alter periodic flood cycle, increased sedimentation behind damn, anadromous fish migration
A depression of the land surface as a result of groundwater being pumped. Cracks and fissures can appear in the land.
a large surface crater caused by the collapse of an underground channel or cavern; often triggered by groundwater withdrawal
An underground formation that contains groundwater
Reduce water activity
Low water use irrigation methods, low-flow faucets, consumer education
Reuse water
Grey water usage
Recycle water
Clear water
Treated and purified, usable for bathing and drinking
Gray water
wastewater from baths, showers, bathrooms, and washing machines (used for toilets, irrigation)
Black water
Any water containing human waste (unusable)
landscaping using plants adapted to dry conditions
Mineral resources
Non renewable, naturally occurring in earth's crust, must be extracted and processed
Second growth forest
a stand of trees resulting from secondary ecological succession
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO)
Many meat or dairy animals are reared in confined spaces, maximizing the number of animals that can be grown in a small area.
Free range grazing
raising livestock on rangelands, the most common land use type in the U.S., using less fossil fuel energy than feedlots, but can lead to overgrazing
occurs when too many animals graze for too long- causes loss of vegetation which leads to soil erosion
Degradation of low precipitation areas toward being increasingly arid until they become deserts
Less consumption of meat impacts
Reduce CO2, methane, N2O emissions, conserve water, reduce use of antibiotics, improve topsoil
An increase in the percentage and in the number of people living in urban settlements.
Urbanization leads to
Depletion of resources, habitat fragmentation, saltwater intrusion in the water cycle
Urban sprawl
the change in population distribution from high population density areas to low density suburbs that spread into rural lands, leading to potential environmental problems
Worthless material that surrounds ore
Using heat and chemicals to turn ore into usable material
stony waste matter separated during smelting
Returning land to "usable" state
Removing harmful chemicals to render safe
Returning land back to its "original" condition
mixed-use zoning
zoning that permits multiple land uses in the same space or structure
Types of coal in order of concentration of carbon
Anthracite, bituminous, subbituminous, lignite
Cleanest coal type
Dirtiest coal type
Mountaintop removal
a mining technique in which the entire top of a mountain is removed with explosives
Oil is found...
In liquid form inside of rocks
Most abundant type of coal
Aquifer depletion
removal of groundwater more rapidly than it can be recharged by precipitation or melting snow
Acid mine drainage
Pollution caused when sulfuric acid and dangerous dissolved materials such as lead, arsenic, and cadmium wash from coal and metal mines into nearby lakes and streams.
Why is smelting bad?
Requires a lot of energy, Emits Co2 and So4
Crude Oil Refinement
The separation of hydrocarbons based on their boiling points
Why is surface mining safer?
Workers aren't subjected to cave-ins, toxic air, or limited ventilation
Where are the most bauxite reserves found
Depleted uranium
composed almost entirely of U-238 because much of the U-235 that it once naturally contained has been removed
Enriched uranium
uranium that has a higher percent of U-235 than its natural abundance of about 0.7%
Salvage logging
the removal of dead trees following a natural disturbance
The removal of trees faster than forests can replace themselves.
Effects of deforestation
increased loss of species, increased soil erosion, increased global warming, decreased soil fertility
How can you ensure that meat you consume is produced ethically and sustainably?
Buy local
Examples of mineral resources we refine and extract
Aluminum, lithium, gold
How is natural gas transported across oceans?
Converted to liquid form (process called liquefaction) and shipped in tanks