Region of nervous system responsible for coordination of movement
Support neurons
Function of glial cells
Their lens no longer focus correctly
Why do people over 55 need glasses?
Taste and odor receptors are examples of?
Increased heart rate
Activation of the sympathetic nervous system causes
An action potential means that the membrane potential has become....
Visual and vestibular/equilibrium
Motion sickness is caused by the contradiction of which two senses?
Schwann cell
Glial cell that covers the axon in the PNS
Why are action potentials conducted in only one direction along an axon?
The brief refractory period prevents reopening of voltage-gated Na+ channels
They redirect sound waves in their inner ear to hear better
Most mammals move their pinnae because of what advantage?
Where in the brain does perception take place
What part of the brain is responsible for coordination of movement
What occurs when K+ diffuse out of a nerve cell and the inside of the cell becomes more negative than the outside?
Fight-or-flight response
This system's activity increases when you're stressed, in danger or physically active
Help monitor blood pressure
Function of baroreceptors found in the aorta?
Which step of the sensory pathway helps you form an image in your mind?
Damage to this brain structure is most likely to be fatal
If a person's cold receptors no longer convert cold stimuli to sensory signals, that person has a problem with the process of...
Either activation of sleep centers or Increased blood flow to the digestive system
When a rest-and-digest response is activated, what one of many effects will be seen?
Semicircular canal
Detects when you move your head side to side
Hair cells
These cells detect angular acceleration and sound waves