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herzberg's two-factor theory
hygiene factors (salary, conditions, policies, supervision, relationships) and motivational factors (achievement, interest, responsibility, advancement). these things will prevent job dissatisfaction.
hygiene factors
salary, conditions, policies, supervision, relationships.
motivational factors
achievement, interest, responsibility, advancement.
maslow's hierarchy of needs
self-actualization (top, most narrow), esteem needs, belongingness and love, safety, psychological.
McClelland's three-needs theory
need for achievement, need for affiliation, need for power.
need for achievement
the drive to set and meet challenging goals, to excel.
need for affiliation
the need to belong to a group and have friendly interpersonal relationships and camaraderie.
need for power
the need to influence others (for personal or organizational gain).
goal setting theory
moving toward a clear goal and getting feedback (SMART goals).
expectancy theory
expectancy, instrumentality, valence = motivation. efforts will be rewarded.
equity theory
inputs (loyalty, hard work, commitment) -> equity (fair balance) -> outputs (salary, benefits, recognition, achievement).
reinforcement theory
how people behave depends on the consequences. positive reinforcement (a bonus or a raise), negative reinforcement (if everyone cleans on time, no one will have to stay late).
how to increase employee motivation
rewards, recognition, feedback, praise, job design, performance management, organizational culture.
programmed decisions
concerned with relatively routine problems, typical decisions.
nonprogrammed decisions
unique, complex situations that could have big consequences.
risks when making a decision
what risks are we taking, can you predict what will happen, conditions of certainty (we have enough information to make a good decision) and uncertainty (a lack of information to make a sure decision, unpredictable).
two approaches to making decisions
maximizing (making optimal decisions, spending time to think about the alternatives) and satisficing (working fast to find an acceptable decision rather than the best decision).
techniques to find solutions
brainstorming (calling out ideas in a group, open discussion), synectics (brainstorming but with analogies, imagery, role-playing to be creative), nominal grouping (more structured brainstorming, all group members participate).
decision tree
will help evaluate which decisions will do what, which outcome is the most ideal.
identifying and selecting appropriate goals and strategies.
structuring and coordinating the work of a business into specific tasks and roles.
strategic planning
overall mission, goals, and long-range objectives vision-oriented.
operational planning
short-range objectives, day-to-day, specifics.
mission statement
a broad statement describing what they do, why they exist, and the purpose.
vision statement
describes the future expectations.
core values
most important things, their beliefs, these guide planning and operations.
corporate level strategies
developed by large companies and revolve around growth, stability, and renewal.
business level strategies
focus on adapting to the external environment and using tactics to beat the competition.
operational level strategies
when each department develops strategies to achieve the mission and objectives.
fair labor standards act (FLSA)
child labor laws, 16 years old is the minimum age to work regular hours, 14-15 can work limited hrs, less than 14 can work very limitedly. under 18 cant work in hazardous jobs, also establishes minimum wage and overtime rates.
who is exempt from FLSA?
salary workers, managers, those who dont clock in and clock out.
Equal pay act
women and men get paid the same for equal work.
social security act of 1935
a way to provide older age, disability, etc an income since they cannot work. to be eligible, you generally must work at least 10 years after retirement and must be 67 years old, funded by taxes. also unemployment insurance is included (if injury or unable to work). also survivors insurance (if a spouse or dependant is lost).
workers compensation
provides funds for work related injury or illness, lost wages, or rehab.
consolidated omnibus budget rehabilitation act
employees who lose health benefits can continue coverage (at your expense) for 18-36 months, typically not worth it.
Health insurance portability and accountability act.
patient protection and affordable care act of 2010
made a push for preventive care getting more attention, like RDs. makes health coverage more fair and easy to understand.
family and medical leave act of 1993
allows an employee to take up to 12 weeks unpaid leave in 12 months for birth, foster care/adoptive care, care of a child with a medical condition, employee's serious health condition. job is held for this time with same pay and benefits.
title VII of civil rights act of 1964
prohibits discrimination of race, color, religion, sex, or origin in employment decisions as far as hiring, firing, promotion, and compensation.
equal employment opportunity commission (EEOC)
enforces equal employment laws, investigates discrimination charges from a complaint, also prevents with education/training.
affirmative action programs
recruitment and advancement of minorities, women, disabilities, and veterans.
occupational safety and health administration, makes sure that the employees have a safe place to work, inspects organizations, records injury and illness on the job.
internal recruiting
someone from the current organization is hired into a new position (transfer, advancement).
external recruiting
listing opportunities on a website, posters.
selection process of hiring
screen applications/resumes, pre-employment tests, interview, background check, select finalist.
unconscious bias
bias that you don't know is occurring.
questions you cannot ask in an interview
age, sex, race, origin, religion, pregnancy, marital status, family status, disabilities, etc.
which questions are most useful in an interview
open, reflective, probing, behavioral, and situational.