Which Disciples inquired about the future events that would come upon jerusalem
Peter, James, John, Andrew
What did jesus instruct his disciples to do when brought before rulers of this world
To say what the Holy Spirit tells them to say
Why would the disciples of jesus be summoned before rulers and kings
It was for Jesus' sake
According to mark 13 jesus foretold that his disciples would be beaten in the __
Why would the world hate the disciples
Because of Jesus
Why would the lord shorten the time of affliction that would come upon Jerusalem
For the sake of the elect
Jesus shall come the second time with __
Great power and glory
Whom Jesus comes for the second time
His elect
When jesus comes the second time whom will he send to gather his people and bring them to him
The angels
What remains even if heaven and earth pass away
His words
Reason Jewish leaders avoided arresting Jesus on the feast day
To prevent a riot
Location of Jesus prior to Jewish festivities
According to mark 14 which Religious leaders were plotting to arrest and kill Jesus
The chief priests and the teachers
According to mark 14 what was jesus's Location of jesus 3 days prior the the jewish festivities
In Simon the Leper's house
The ointment carried in the alabaster jar by the woman
According to mark 14 what was the Reaction of people at the table to the woman's anointing Jesus's head with expensive ointment
They were indignant
What was Reward for the woman who anointed Jesus with expensive oil
What she had done would be told in memory of her
What did the others suggest the woman should have done with her expensive oil
Sold and the money given to the poor
The Day that the disciples asked where they will eat the Passover meal
The first day of the unleavened bread
Number of disciples sent by jesus to prepare a place to eat the Passover
Judas Iscariot betrayed jesus to whom
The chief priests
Who did the disciples who were sent follow to get to the place they were supposed to prepare for Passover
A man carrying a jar of water
Description of the Passover meal location where jesus and the disciples ate
A large furnished upper room
To whom Jesus was sent in the morning after his arrest
Jesus' response to being asked if he was King of the Jews
"You have said so"
What did the roman governor do for the jews on the day of the feast
Release a prisoner
Barabbas' offense
Reason people chose Barabbas over Jesus
The chief priest stirred them up
Where Jesus was mocked and maltreated by the whole band of roman soldiers
In the palace
Who carried Jesus' cross
Simon of Cyrene
Meaning of Golgotha
"The place of the skull"
What Jesus was given to drink at Golgotha
Wine mixed with myrrh
Time of day Jesus was crucified
9 in the morning
Accusation written against Jesus at crucifixion
The King of the Jews
What were the others crucified with Jesus
Time darkness began to cover the land when jesus was on the cross
At what Time did Jesus cry "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani'
3 in the afternoon
Meaning of 'Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani'
"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
When jesus cried out what did the bystanders thing he was doing
Calling Elijah
At golgotha who said. Truly this man was the son of God
The Centurion
Who saw where Jesus was buried
Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joseph