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renewable resource
A natural resource that can be replaced at the same rate at which the resource is consumed
nonrenewable resource
Something produced in nature more slowly than it is consumed by humans
3 types of Coal
lignite, bituminous, anthracite
Production of two useful forms of energy, such as high-temperature heat or steam and electricity, from the same fuel source.
A rapid reaction between oxygen and fuel that results in fire
Hydraulic Fracturing
the forcing open of fissures in subterranean rocks by introducing liquid at high pressure, especially to extract oil or gas.
nuclear energy
Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom
the emission of ionizing radiation or particles caused by the spontaneous disintegration of atomic nuclei.
Three Mile Island
1979 - A mechanical failure and a human error at this power plant in Pennsylvania combined to permit an escape of radiation over a 16 mile radius.
nuclear power plant in Russia that had an explosion in 1986 & released radioactive materials into the air
A city in Japan damaged by the tsunami in 2011; the nuclear power plant released radiation
forms of biomass energy
Charcoal, Manure, MSW, Ethanol
Passive Solar Energy
Solar energy systems that collect energy without the use of mechanical devices
Active Solar Energy
solar radiation captured with photovoltaic cells that convert light energy to electrical energy
Geothermal Energy
Energy from steam or hot water produced from hot or molten underground rocks.
Hydrogen Fuel Cell
a cell that generates electricity from a controlled reaction between hydrogen and oxygen
Energy Efficiency
The ratio of the amount of work done to the total amount of energy introduced to the system
Energy Conservation
the practice of finding ways to use less energy or to use energy more efficiently