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Ordered categories with meaningful intervals, but no zero
ordered categories indicating more or less of something
irdered categories with meaningful intervals, includes a zero
only difference between categories
dependent varialbe
a variable that is measured or affected in an experiment, often influenced by the independent variable.
a good hypothesis is
precise, a statement of expectation, empirical, falsifiable, testable
research design
a plan that shows how a researcher intends to study an empirical question
literature review
discovered how a research project is related to previous research
independent variable
a phenomenon that we think will help us explain, affect, influence, or cause the political characteristic or behavior that interest us
a statistic based on sample observations that is used to estimate the numerical value of an unknown population
causal assertion
a change in one thing brings about a change in another
elements of causality
demonstrates covariation
confounding factors are eliminated
cause precedes the effect
external validity
extent to which the result of a study can be generalized to, or has relevance for settings, people, times, and measures other than the ones used in the study.
internal validity
the research procedure demonstrated a true cause and effect relationship that was no created by spurious factors
a statement that 2 things are systematically related but do not neccessarily cause each other
when a membership in a group is a metter of chance and not self-selection
secondary data
data collected by someone other than the user for a purpose other than the current study.
primary data
data recorded and used by the researcher making the observtion
cross sectional designs
measurements of the indep. and dep. variable are taken at the same time and extraneous factors are controlled for by statitstical means
time-series designs
characterized by the availability of measures of variables at different points in time
longitudinal design
a time-series design that follows the same participants over time
large n design
quantitative analysis requires, includes a large number of participants
survey or poll
the unit of analysis in a cross sectional design is an individual, the study is often referred to as
a body of statements that systematizes prior knowledge, explains phenomena, and foreshadows a researchers expectations
the dominant methological perspective in polysci, states that knowledge is derived from observation and experience.
the three empirical principals
see it. identify consepts
measure it with consistency
can be proven to be incorrect
often found at the beginning of scholarly article and will usually include a description of the contents of an article, including the research questions, the theory annd hypo, the data and methods used to test the hypo, and the results and conclusions
the degree of correspondence btwn the measures and the cocept that it is intended to measure
objective observation
modern political science relies heavily on one kind of knowledge, knowledge obtained trough
normative research
discusses what ought to be, based on value judgements
scientific methods parts
cumulative enterprise
empirical generlaization
cumulative enterprise
can be built on prior findings
empiricial generalization
uses lots of cases and can be used to explain lots of cases
future events will follow
agreed explanitory power
simplistic explanation
levels of measurement
data access, production transparency, analytical transparency
consistency of results from a procedural or measurable test
intervening variable
occurs close in time to dep. variable and is affected by the indep.
arrow diagram
pictoral representation of explanatory schemee
ecological fallacy
deducing a false relationship based on oberving relationship groupse
cological inference
use of aggreegate data to study individual’s behaviors
pooled design
apart of cross-sectional designed over time, it is a common interval of time.
cross-section time series is year to year, pooled can be but doesnt have to be
panel study
survey that is the same panel of people that you ask the same questions over some points of time
unit of analysis
how a study is categorizing each measure of analysis. Think of as the row in the excel file. All of the data there is for the unit of the analysis. BE ABLE TO IDENTIFY FROM RQ
states, individuals, countries, county, zip code
content analysis
analysis of everything that isnt a written record
Images, speeches, social media, ect
looks into the tone, speed, gender social norms, positive/negative effects
A research question must have these 3 things
focus on political topic, not placing focus on discrete facts (what is the causal relationship), not normative research