Homeostasis: Energy Regulation

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Basal metabolism

The majority of food energy is spent on things like heat, cellular activity, and maintenance of membrane potentials

Energy metabolism is under strict homeostatic control and can be adjusted

<p>The majority of food energy is spent on things like heat, cellular activity, and maintenance of membrane potentials</p><p>Energy metabolism is under strict homeostatic control and can be adjusted</p>
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Short term storage

Insulin converts glucose to glycogen to store as reserve fuel

Glucagon converts glycogen back into glucose when stores are low

<p>Insulin converts glucose to glycogen to store as reserve fuel</p><p>Glucagon converts glycogen back into glucose when stores are low</p>
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Long term storage

Insulin triggers lipid (far) storage in adipose tissues, liver, and muscles

Glucagon produces free fatty acids and ketones

<p>Insulin triggers lipid (far) storage in adipose tissues, liver, and muscles</p><p>Glucagon produces free fatty acids and ketones</p>
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Three phases of energy metabolism

Cephalic phase, Absorptive phase, Fasting phase

<p>Cephalic phase, Absorptive phase, Fasting phase</p>
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Cephalic phase

Preparatory phase, which is initiated by the sight, smell, or expectation of food

Insulin levels high; glucagon levels low

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Absorptive phase

Nutrients from a meal meeting the body’s immediate energy requirements, with the excess being stored

Insulin levels high; glucagon levels low

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Insulin levels high; glucagon levels low

Promotes utilization of blood glucose as a source of energy

Promotes conversion of excess glucose to glycogen and fat

Promotes conversion of amino acids to proteins

Promotes storage of glycogen in liver and muscle, fat in adipose tissue, and protein in muscle

Inhibits conversion of glycogen, fat, and protein into directly utilizable fuels (glucose, free fatty acids, and ketones)

<p>Promotes utilization of blood glucose as a source of energy</p><p>Promotes conversion of excess glucose to glycogen and fat</p><p>Promotes conversion of amino acids to proteins</p><p>Promotes storage of glycogen in liver and muscle, fat in adipose tissue, and protein in muscle</p><p>Inhibits conversion of glycogen, fat, and protein into directly utilizable fuels (glucose, free fatty acids, and ketones)</p>
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Fasting phase

Energy being withdrawn from stores to meet the body’s immediate needs

Glucagon levels high; insulin levels low

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Glucagon levels high; insulin levels low

Promotes conversion of fats to free fatty acids and the utilization of free fatty acids as a source of energy

Promotes conversion of glycogen to glucose, free fatty acids to ketones, and protein to glucose

Inhibits utilization of glucose by the body but not by the brain

Inhibits conversion of glucose to glycogen and fat, and amino acids to protein

Inhibits storage of fat in adipose tissue

<p>Promotes conversion of fats to free fatty acids and the utilization of free fatty acids as a source of energy</p><p>Promotes conversion of glycogen to glucose, free fatty acids to ketones, and protein to glucose</p><p>Inhibits utilization of glucose by the body but not by the brain</p><p>Inhibits conversion of glucose to glycogen and fat, and amino acids to protein</p><p>Inhibits storage of fat in adipose tissue</p>
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Required by glucose transporters in the body to allow use of glucose in the body

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Diabetes Mellitus

Lack of insulin production or reduced sensitivity to insulin

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Theories of hunger

Set point theory and Positive-incentive theory

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Set point theory assumption

Hunger is a response to an energy need; we eat to maintain an energy set point

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Set point theory problems

Not everyone is the same size

It doesn’t fit evolutionary pressures; energy storage necessary for survival

Reductions in blood glucose or body fat do not reliably induce eating

It doesn’t account for the influence of external factors on eating and hunger (taste, learning, social cues)

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Positive incentive theory

We are drawn to eat by the anticipated pleasure of eating

We have evolved to “crave” food

Eating has a positive-incentive value; multiple factors interact to determine this

Accounts for the impact of external factors on eating behavior