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Socioemotional concern
Developing dependable, harmonious relationships that give it stability.
Task concern
Focusing on the assignment.
Primary Tension
Anxiety arising early in a group's formation, as members work out their relationships and roles.
Secondary Tension
Task-related tension that stems from differing opinions about the substantive work of the group.
Tertiary Tension
Tension that stems from power and status struggles in a group.
Tuckman's model for group development
A model that includes five stages: Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning.
Occurs when members first meet, they make initial impressions of one another and try to avoid conflict or disagreement.
Members start working on the task, important issues and feelings start to surface.
Members have established the rules and norms of how it will operate, appreciate one another's skills and abilities.
Members can now work smoothly and effectively together, there is high group identity and interdependence.
Members prepare to disband.
Group Socialization
The process by which new and/or established members learn to fit together through communication. Includes 5 stages.
Antecedent Stage
The stage in group socialization during which members bring previous group experiences, attitudes, beliefs, motives, and communication traits to the process.
Anticipatory Stage
The stage in group socialization describing individual and group initial expectations of each other.
Encounter Stage
The stage in group socialization in which members' expectations meet with reality as members adjust and fit with each other.
Assimilation Stage
The stage in group socialization in which group members show full integration.
Exit Stage
The stage in group socialization in which individuals leave a group or the group disbands.
The part a member plays in a group.
Formal Role (positional)
Based on a member's official position or title.
Informal Role (behavioral)
Based on a person's personality, traits, habits and behaviors.
Role functions in small groups
task, maintenance, and individual
Task Roles
Roles that encompass behaviors that contribute directly to accomplishment of a group's task.
Maintenance Roles
Roles that encompass behaviors that help a group maintain harmonious relationships and contribute to a cohesive interpersonal climate.
Individual Roles
Roles that encompass self-centered behaviors that place the individual's need ahead of the group's needs.
Rules and Norms
Standards of behavior and procedures by which group members operate.
Are not written down. Are enforced by peer pressures and even rejection. Can be changed through informal discussion.
Formally written in minutes or by-laws. Are enforced by designated leader. Can be changed by voting.
What develops Group Norms?
Behaviors, Explicit Statements, Critical Events, taken from every member’s Culture.
What develops Group Climate?
Arises from interaction and behavior. Is experienced by all group members.
Dimentions of Group Climate
Trust, Cohesiveness, and Supportiveness
General belief that members can rely on each other
Attachment members feel towards each other, the group, and the task.
Climate where members encourage each other, care about each other, and treat each other with respect.