Parasite: Giardia lamblia
What is Girardia lamblia?
This parasite cause the most non-bacterial diarrhea
What is Giardia lamblia taxonomy?
Phylum: retortamonda, Class: Diplomonadea, Order: Diplomonasida, Family: Hexamitidae, Genus: Giardia, Species: lamblia
What is the morphology of Girardia lamblia?
Two forms: Trophozoite form and Cyst form.
What does the trophopozoite form of girardia lamblia does?
IIt’s the active form, has a bilaterally symmetrical, 8 flagella, 2 nuclei, a ventral adhesive disc, and median bodies. it’s the form that causes symptoms in infected individuals, once inside the small intestine it turns into a trophozoite. they attache themselves to the lining of the small intestine using specialized statures call sucker discs, feeding on nutrients from the digesting food passing. They multiple asexually by binary fission.
What does the cyst from of girardia lamblia does?
It’s the dormant form, has 4 nuclei, median bodies, and fibulas. When it’s an adult trophozoite and the environmental conditions are unfavorable they transform into dormant cyst forms. Allowing them to survive outside the host for weeks to months in water, soil or other surfaces. Cyst are usually in infected individual feces, Water , food or surfaces contamination with infected feces transmit the parasite.
How does girardia lamblia transmit?
Through fecal oral
What is the life cycle of girardia lamblia?
It goes from person - environment - person, trophozoite covers to cysts and vice versa.
What are the reservoirs host of girardia lamblia?
Dogs, sheep, beavers
What is the disease that girardia lamblia causes?
What are the symptoms that giardiasis?
Produces malabsorbtion syndrome, Prevent fat absorption, and reduces secretion of digestive enzymes.
What is the Kinetosome of Girardia lamblia?
Is a structure of the parasite located at the base of each of its four flagella. They are whip-like structures that plays an important role in the parasite movement and attaching to the small intestine of the host.
What is the axoneme in girardia lamblia?
its the core structure within each of it’s flagella, it’s like the “backbone”. It motors proteins this helps coordinates bending and straightening generates the whip like beating of the flagella.
What is a treatment of Giardiasis?