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are the ultimate determinant of the properties and reactivity of atoms
issac newton
was able to explain how and why rainbows appear
fraunhofer lines
the sun’s rainbow is not continuous but has dark narrow lines called
electromagnetic spectrum
continuous range of radiant energy (also called electromagnetic radiation)
left end of spectrum
shorter wavelengths
higher frequency
higher energy
(violet side)
right end of spectrum
longer wavelengths
lower frequency
lower energy
(red side)
gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet rays, visible spectrum, infrared, microwave, radio
what is the order of the electromagnetic spectrum?
visible light
the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that the human eye can view
wavelengths of visible light
in nm
high energy and shorter wavelength to low energy and longer wavelength
roy g biv
electric and magnetic
what are the perpendicular oscillating fields of radiant energy?
the distance from crest to crest or trough to trough
typical units: m to nm
the number of wave cycles passing a stationary point of reference per unit of time
typical unit: Hz (s-1)
1 wave cycle
1 complete wavelength is…
λu = c (speed of light)
wavelength and frequency are related by…
shorter wavelength
higher frequency =
longer wavelength
lower frequency =
the speed of light
all electromagnetic radiation moves at the same speed, which is?
between energy levels
where can electrons not exist?
energy level
refers to the potential energy associated with an electron/shell in an atom
gets closer together when further from the nucleus
quantum number n
corresponds to the atomic period # (or row on periodic table)
quantum number l
corresponds to the type/shape of orbital
quantum number ml
corresponds to the electron location within the highest orbital type
pauli exclusion principle
since two electrons cannot occupy the same space at the same time, no two electrons in an atom can have the same four quantum numbers
therefore, each electron has a unique “postal address” to describe its location
aufbau principle
method of building electron configurations by adding one electron at a time as atomic number increases
when adding electrons to an atom electrons always go in lowest energy orbitals available
hund’s rule
add electrons to orbitals singly before pairing electrons in an orbital
according to the pauli exclusion principle, what is the maximum amount of electrons per orbital allowed?
s orbitals
shape is a sphere
orbital available for all values of n
the number before the orbital name designates the enrgy level/shell number, n
as n increases, the size of this orbital’s spheres get larger → increasing energy level, increasing distance
how many p orbitals are there that exist together
the energy level/shell number
what does the number before the orbital name designate?
d orbitals
only for transition metals or for elements in period 4 and above
5 orbitals
4 of them are shaped like four leaf clovers and 1 is shaped like a p orbital inside a donut
the principal quantum number, n, increases
the energy of atomic orbitals increases as…
the splitting of energy levels
in any atom with two or more electrons, the repulsions between electrons leads to…
the arrangement of electrons in all orbitals
what does an atom’s electron configuration tell?
s block
d block
p block
f block
electron configuration shorthand
replace the closest preceding noble gas with its bracketed chemical symbol, then finish configuration
paramagnetic elements
the physical property of being attracted to a magnetic field
property arises due to unpaired electrons in orbitals: the unpaired electron is attracted to a magnet
diamagnetic elements
the physical property of being slightly repelled by a magnetic field
arises due to paired electrons in orbitals
to electrons in an orbital act like magnets paired to each other; it would cost them energy to pull apart from each other
group 2 and noble gases
which two parts of the periodic table will be diamagnetic?
core electrons
electrons in completely filled shells and are stable and don’t interact with other atoms
don’t contribute to the chemical behavior of the element
valence electrons
the electrons found in the outermost shell of an atom
valence shell
the outermost shell
the number of _____ in the outermost shell of a particular atom determines its reactivity, or tendency to form chemical bonds with other atoms
group number
valence number and ____ number are the same
formation of ions
the gain or loss of valence electrons to achieve stable electron configuration (completely filled shell)
describes atoms/ions having identical electron configurations
periodic trends in physical properties
atomic radius (atomic size), ionic radius, ionization energy, and electron affinity/electronegativity
periodic trends in chemical properties
periodic trends in reactivity of metals vs nonmetals
atomic radius
the size of an atom is expressed as this
size increases going down a group (up to down = small to large)
size decreases going across a period (left to right = large to small)
because electrons are placed in higher energy orbitals further from the nucleus (number of shells increases)
why does atomic radius increase down a group?
apparent nuclear charge
size decreases across a period due to an increase in…
more attraction of electrons = bigger size
more protons =
cations are _____ than the atoms they come from
because they lose electrons which loses part of the electron cloud
why are cations smaller than the atoms they come from?
the stronger attraction pulls electrons closer in towards the nucleus, so size _______
anions are ______ than the atoms they come from
because electrons are added to the outermost orbital, increasing the cloud
why are anions larger than the atom they come from?
since each proton is now pulling on more electrons, it attracts each electron less strongly, so the size of the electron cloud ________
ionization energy
is the energy required to remove an electron from an atom
ionization energy ________ as you go across a period due to valence shell stability
ex: group 17 (-1) is going to be harder to give electrons since it already has 7 valence electrons meaning they are close to achieving a stable noble gas config by gaining one more electron
ionization energy _______ as n increases because large atoms easily lose electrons (shielding)
electronegativity (X)
a measure of an atom’s ability to attract electrons to itself
uses an arbitrary scale from 0 to 4
what is the most electronegative atom?
Cs and Fr
what elements have the lowest electronegativity?
attract electrons
an atom with X near zero has almost no ability to what?
attract electrons
an atom with X near four has a very strong ability to?
ionic radius (size) _____ as you move down a group for metals
electronegativity _____ as you move down a group for metals
metal reactivity _____ as you move down a group?
ionic radius ____ as you move down a group for non-metals
electronegativity _____ as you move down a group for non-metals
non-metal reactivity _____ as you move down a group