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Lewis and clark proved
one could get to pacific ocean by land
Revolution of 1800
peaceful transfer of power
Result of the excise tax put on whiskey
there was a rebellion in pennsylvania
In foreign conflict, Washington chose to
remain neutral
Who supported the establish of national bank
Believed national debt was good and established unity
Jefferson response go order in council
Embargo act
Country where pinckney treaty was signed=
Amount spent on louisiana purchase
Who did George Washington marry?
Martha Custis, a wealthy widow
Describe George Washingtons teeth
ivory teeth and cow teeth
Because of a lack of government, what precedent does Washington set
two term “limit“
Who does George Washington choose as VP?
John Adams
What did George Washington do with his slaves after his death
release themin his will, providing for their gradual emancipation.
Under the Judiciary act of 1738, how many judges are est.?
1 chief justice and 5 justices
What does George Washington do to help him run government
Establish a cabinet
Under G.W., Sec. of state
Thomas Jefferson
Under G.W., Sec. of treasury
Alexander Hamilton
Under G.W., Sec. of War
Henry Knox
Under G.W., Attorney general
Edmund Rudolph
What was Hamiltons goal during Washington’s presidency?
Set a strong US economy
What is Hamiltons plan for the US foreign debt?
Pay off national debt (debt to France and England)
What is Hamiltons plan for state debt?
Federal government assumes states debt
How did Hamilton plan to protect manufacturing?
putting tariffs on imported goods
What was Hamiltons plan for creating a bank
A central national bank
Hamilton political alignment
Thomas Jefferson alignment
Democratic-republican, later Jeffersonian
Federalist view on who should have rights
A strong central government
D-R view on who should have rights
The states
Under Hamiltons plan, how would the national bank be funded?
by the government and private investors
Hamilton intrepretation
Jefferson interpretation
Why did Jefferson object to the national bank?
No authorization in the Constitution for a national bank
Why does Jefferson fear a national bank
He fears it would benefit the rich and hurt indebted famers
What reason in the constitution does Jefferson site as the reason there shouldn’t be a national gov?
All powers not granted to the government are granted to the state
How does Hamilton refute D-R claims of unconstitutionality of national bank
Necessary and proper clause
Where does Jefferson suggested the capital be moved?
The river of the Potomac
American view point of French Revolution
Liked revolution, disliked executions
What is the problem with supporting the French in their revolution
Our treaty is with the monarch, not the revolutionaries
Jeffersonian view on French rev
Sympathize with the cause and wants to help
Why won’t Washington allow the U.S. in European conflicts
Believes our young nation would not survive war
What stance does G.W. take on foreign conflicts
It’s best to remain neutral
How does G.W. prove his neutrality?
Proclamation of neutrality
John Jay status
A very wealthy aristocrat
What role has John Jay played for the US government previously?
A diplomat
Why is John Jay sent to London?
To avoid war because he is chief justice
What about the presence of British call for Jays treaty?
British presence in Western U.S. fur trading
What about sea affairs call for Jays treaty?
Impressment of merchants and are breaking ships and goods
Impressment is what?
The act of forcefully taking a ships crew and forcing them to work for you
Why did the British impress many US ships
They believed we were sending goods to French (who they were in conflict with)
Who are the British impressing
Merchants who are skilled shipmen
After Jays treaty, what effect occured between the N.A. and the British
British are still giving weapons to Native Americans
After Jays treaty, what act is still occuring on water
What was a positive effect of Jays treaty?
British leave U.S. soil
What was a positive effect of Jays treaty?
British stop messing up ships
Who is Pinckneys treaty between
U.S. and Spain
What did the US ask for in the Pickney treaty?
Free navigation of the Mississippi and New Orleans
Why did the Spanish give the US what they did in the Pickney treaty?
They feared conflict with the US
One was an economical benefit of the Pickney treaty for the US
Right to deposit
Right to deposit means
US could transfer cargo w/wo paying taxes to Spain
What was another land benefit of the Pickney treaty
The northern Florida boundary is settled
What is the Native American reaction to American encroachment
What is one way the British get back at the U.S.?
Provide fire arms to Native Americans
What was the point of the battle of fallen timbers
Battle over Ohio River Valley
What was an effect of the Treaty of Greenville
Native Americans surrendered claims to Ohio territory
Why is Anthony Wayne considered “Mad“?
For his aggressive training styles and fighting strategies
What product is taxed in the rebellion
Who wants to tax whiskey?
Alexander Hamilton
Why does A. Ham. want to tax whiskey?
He considers it a luxury
What is the reaction to the Whiskey tax?
Infatuation leading to rebellion
Who does the Whiskey tax effect most?
Whiskey Makers in Pennsylvania
How does Washington react to whiskey rebellion?
Called 13,000 troops to put down rebellion by force if necessary
What political party doe the Anti Federalists become?
Does Hamiltons plan work?
It does
What is an effect of Hamilton’s financial plan?
Re-established US credit
What was an effect of the Whiskey Rebellion
Showed strength of Gov
How many terms did Washington serve?
Why or how did Washington leave office?
Why did Washington leave office?
To make America not look like a monarchy
What did G.W. warn about alliances?
Permanent foreign alliances are bad
What did G.W. warn about political parties?
Official political parties will divide a nation
Who wrote G.W.’s farewell address
Alexander Hamilton
After Washington retires, who do the federalists support?
John Adams
What is John Adams response to G.W. retiring?
Steps down from sec. of state and runs for president
After Washington retires, who do the D-R support
Thomas Jefferson
What is A. Ham.’s response to Adams and Jeff. running for president?
Steps down from head of Treasury
Why does Hamilton step down from head of Treasury?
Hates both Adams and Jefferson
Around 1800, how are pres. and vice pres. picked?
Winning person=president, person in second=vice president
What suspicion do the French have about America?
Jays treaty is one more step towards a British American alliance
What comes out of French’s suspicions of the Jays treaty?
French war ships begin seizing American merchant ships
Who wins, Adams or Jefferson?
How many men does Adams appoint to go sort out XYZ affairs?
What does the US ask of France in XYZ affairs?
To realize no nefarious activity and relinquish American ships
Why is it called the XYZ affairs?
Because the French ministers they spoke to were never identified, so they are referred to as X, Y, Z
What do XYZ demand?
32 million florian’s and a bribe of 25000
Pending American payment to XYZ, what would the American diplomats get?
To speak to Talleyrand
How does Adams feel about the XYZ affairs?
He is pissed
What does Adams prepare in response to XYZ affairs?
Prepares to start war
Post French rev, who is leading France
Alien act is
raised the residence requirements for Aliens who desire to be citizens from 5 to 14 years