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study of human choice to search to satisfy wants and needs
Fiat Money
Something that has value because declared so
True or False: All goods and services are scarce
What does economics try to do?
solve scarcity by delegating who gets what resources
temporary production distribution problem
natural recourses
effort put into a task
human-made resources that create other goods/services
Human Capital
knowledge, skills, and abilities
taking land, labor, and capital and combining them to make something new
Opportunity cost
what you gave up when choosing a certain choice
Guns and butter
tradeoff of government spending on national defense or domestic programs
Increasing marginal return
the addition of another component adding more productivity
Decreasing marginal return
the addition of another component adding less productivity than the last one added
Three economic questions
What goods or service should be produced, how should these goods or services be produces, who consumes the good or service
Factor payments
any payment for factors of productions
getting the most out of what you have
Efficiency is most often driven by…
Traditional economy
Market economy
Command economy
Mixed economy
What role do households play in economic chart
what role do firms play in economic chart
desire to own and ability to pay
Law of demand
lower price = people buy more, higher price = people buy less
Substitution effect
substituting one good for another due to price increase
Income effect
reducing consumption of something without increasing consumption in another
Demand schedule
table that lists price compared to consumption
Demand curve
graph of demand schedule
Is the price for demand curve on x or y axis?
y axis
Ceteris Paribus
all other things held constant
What causes shift in demand curve?
income, population, consumer expectations, consumer tastes, advertising
Complementary goods
Substitutional goods
amount of good/ service available
Law of supply
higher price = higher quantity, lower price = lower quantity
quantity supplied
description of how much of a good or service is offered at a specific price
Supply schedule
relationship between price and quantity supplied
Market supply schedule
relationship between prices and total quantity supplied by all firms in a specific market
change in price that results in rapid change of quantity demanded
change in price does not relatively affect quantity demanded
complete price balance between supply and demand
Price ceiling
maximum price a good or service can be sold for
Price floor
minimum price a good or service can be sold for
excess in supply over demand
supply shock
unexpected event that changes supply of product or service
limiting of goods or services in high demand and short supply
black market
economic activity that takes place out of sight of the government
spillover costs
costs of production creates a negative secondary effect on a third party
search costs
time, energy, and money that buyers expended to make a transaction