Lecture 9
Emotional Valence
same valence → distinct influence
differs amongst jurors
Affective Forecasting
Anticipated emotional responses guide behaviours
Encourage or avoid tendencies based on outcome
used to guide our behaviours to align with our positive emotions
predicted emotions used to guide our behaviours
“how am i going to feel about the verdict guilty/not guility"?”
chasing good emotions
tailor our behaviours to the predicted emotions
Affect as Feedback
Affective feedback will inform future decision-making
when we are processing information it is stimuli that needs to be processed somehow
switch into either system 1 or 2
Affect as Feedback - System I
affective and heuristic
immediate affective heuristic processing to direct any
stereotypical decision making (surface level)
feedback of the affect (emotion)
subjective (easy and quick)
when we experience a positive emotion, our brain will continue to follow that route rather than thinking more analytically
our thoughts may eventually turn into a negative affect
making us feel bad
experiencing negative emotions
Affect as Feedback - System II
deliberate and analytical
won’t let our biases and prejudices affect our decision processes
thinking more objectively
Affect as Cognitive Appraisal
Unique appraisals → distinct decision-making processes
Differs depending on the specific emotion
specific emotion can lead to distinct judgement and decision-making processes
how these emotions dictate how we make decisions
looking at different type of emotions
separate and unique impacts
Immediate Emotion
Affect → direct source of information
System I processing provides automatic emotional determinants on risk assessment and moral social judgement
immediate instinctual response
Disgust-driven Moral Judgements
Emotional responses to perceived moral violations manifest as moral judgements
Emotions contribute to attributions of blame
when a moral judgement has been violated
anger/disgust → moral emotions
increase punishments assigning
Emotion Regulation
Management of emotions
our ability to manage them
Increase/decrease/maintain emotional experiences
impacts the decisions we make
Adjustment of emotion intensity
Modify expression of emotions
any experience with those emotions