A trade route stretching thousands of miles from China to Eastern Europe
The Silk Road
2 items that’s Europeans wanted from Asia in the 1400’s and 1500’s
silk and spice
The quest to find new trade routes to Asia led to…..
The Age of Exploration
A tool with a magnetized needle that sailors used to determine what direction they were traveling in
An astrolabe could help sailors determine their direction using…..
Sun and Stars
Maps have largely been replaced with GPS devices, which rely on 30 _____ orbiting the earth
The mean or reason for doing something:
What are the “Three G’s"?”
God, gold, and glory
When people admire, praise, and honor someone because of what they have accomplished:
Sailor’s would do this when they reached new land, in order for them to claim the land
plant a flag
To try to convert someone to a new religion:
Missionary John Allen Chau was killed when visiting this island to preach Christianity:
North Sentinel Island
Crops that are grown to make a profit rather than just to feed families:
cash crops
The transfer of people, plants, animals, and diseases back and forth across the Atlantic ocean is called:
Columbian Exchange
The name of the queen of Spain who sponsored Christopher Columbus’ journey west across the Atlantic:
Italian merchant that searched for a trade route to Asia on a journey sponsored by England:
John Cabot
This Spanish conquistador may have sailed with Columbus before eventually becoming the 1st European to arrive in Florida:
Juan Ponce de Leon
The Spanish conquistador that defeated the Aztec Empire in what is known today as Mexico:
Hernan Cortes
This English explorer, and his son, were banished from their ship after he led his crew into icy waters, trapping the ship:
Henry Hudson
Recent studies from 2024 suggest that rather than being Italian, Christopher Columbus was____