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the act of turning an idea into a business
a vision-driven individual who assumes significant personal and financial risks to start a business.
Business Name
the legal name under which your business is registered for taxes and official purposes.
Adam Fridman
According to him, the business name plays a monumental role in a brand’s recognition and perception, meaning it can make or break a company.
Claro Ganac
She stated that “using puns is risky and probably best avoided.”
Business Logo
a symbol or design used to identify a company or organization, as well as its products, services, employees, etc.
it’s how your company is recognized and remembered among others. It functions as the face of your business.
Business Tagline
a brief phrase used to relay a brand’s value
tells consumers about the overall company without mentioning the product or service they may offer.
Take control of your own destiny
Benefit 1
Choose who to work with
Benefit 2
Be your own boss
Benefit 3
A flexible schedule
Benefit 4
Making a difference to serve the society
Benefit 5
Lead an exciting life
Benefit 6
Meeting like-minded people
Benefit 7
Leadership experience
Benefit 8
The word “entrepreneur” comes from the French word __________
To undertake
The meaning of Entreprende
Joseph Schumpeter
He ascribed more lofty ideals to entrepreneurs when he differentiated them from ordinary businessmmen because they deliver innovation and technological change.
Changes in the methods of production and transportation, production of a new product, change in the industrial organization, opening up of a new market, discovering new sources of supply and other such changes.
Creative Destruction
This means getting rid of an obsolete way in order to usher in a new way of doing business.