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Predynastic Nile Valley
Period before c. 3000 BCE in ancient Egypt.
Early Dynastic Period
Period from 3000-2686 BCE in ancient Egypt.
Old Kingdom
Period from c. 2686-2160 BCE in ancient Egypt.
Concept of earthly order and social cohesion used by Egyptian kings to legitimize their power.
Tomb Painting at Hierakonpolis
Depicts a variety of everyday human activity along the Nile River, including fighting, hunting, and herding.
Gebel el-Arak knife
An example of cultural interaction between Egypt and West Asia, made around the same time as the Hierakonpolis tomb painting.
Narmer Palette
Depicts Narmer, sometimes identified as Menes, the legendary king who first united the two parts of Egypt.
A flat-topped rectangular structure used as a tomb in ancient Egypt.
First king of the Third Dynasty, known to contemporaries as Netjerikhet.
step pyramid
Egypt's first-known step pyramid located in Djoser's funerary complex.
Life force represented by two upraised, disembodied arms in ancient Egyptian belief.
Great Pyramid of Khufu
Burial complex of Khufu, originally covered with limestone quarried and transported by human labor from 15 miles away.
Khafre as the Enthroned King
One of the best-preserved statues placed in Khafre's tomb to house his spirit.
Great Sphinx of Giza
Partially carved out of the local bedrock and likely a guardian of Khafre's causeway.
Statue of Menkaure and Queen
A solemn double portrait of the king and his principal queen, likely Khamerernebty II.
Seated statue of scribe
Depicts a high-ranking professional and artist manipulating hieroglyphs, sitting cross-legged and holding papyrus.
God, usually falcon-headed man, known as God of kingship.
Goddess, protector of the king associated with cattle, the heavens, and four corners of the world.
God of afterlife and the underworld, ruler takes this form after death.