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What is chemistry?
The study of matter and the changes that it undergoes
What is science?
The use of evidence to construct testable explanations and predictions of natural phenomena as well as the knowledge generated through this process
What is a hypothesis?
A testable explanation of a situation
What is scientific inquiry?
The development of new explanations
What is a theory?
An explanation of a natural phenomenon based on many observations and investigations over time
What is a scientific law?
A relationship in nature that is supported by many experiments
What is pure research?
Research driven by the curiosity of the researcher
What is applied research?
Research conducted to solve specific problems
What is the base unit for time?
Second (S)
What is the base unit for mass?
Kilogram (Kg)
What is the base unit for temperture?
Kelvin (K)
What is the base unit for length?
Meter (M)
What are the prefixes largest to smallest?
giga, mega, kilo, centi, mili, nano, and pico
What factor does centi- represent?
0.01, 10-2
What factor does kilo- represent?
1,000; 103
What factor does mili- represent?
0.001; 10-3
Which temp. scale will we be using in class?
Celsius and kelvin scale; kelvin is an SI unit
How many grams are in a kilogram?
How many liters are in a megaliter?
How many centimeters are in a meter?
What is the difference between a base unit and a derived unit?
A derived unit is two base units combined
What is density?
mass/volume; how much mass there is in a specific amount of volume
What is the three part process for problem solving?
Analyze the problem, solve the unknown, and evaluate the answer
How are degrees converted into kevin’s?
K= C +273
What is conversion factor?
A ratio of equivalent values having different units
What is dimensional analysis?
A systematic approach to problem solving that uses conversion factors to convert units
How many centimeters are in one mile?
Convert 5 liters into kiloliters
0.005 KL
What is the difference between an accepted value and an experimental value?
What is the ratio of an error to an accepted value?
Percent error
When you calculate percent error, what can you ignore?
plus and minus signs
What are the digits reported in an answer called?
Sig Figs
The last number in a significant figure is……
_____ numbers are always significant
All final _____ to the right of the decimal place are significant
Zeros that act as ____ are not significant
_______ have an infinite number of significant figures
Counting numbers
When you convert to ________ you remove the placeholder zeros
scientific notation
Convert 360 seconds to milliseconds
360,000 ms
Percent error equation?
pe = |error| / accepted value x 100
What is the independent variable
The variable that a scientist changes on purpose; X axis
What is the dependent variable?
The variable that changes in response to the independent variable; y axis