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Pertains to financial value.
Relates to the organization of human society, ideas, customs, and social behaviors of people.
Relates to the government, public affairs, laws, borders or territories of a country.
Describes the natural world and the impact of human activity on its condition.
Spatial Analysis
The study of why things are located where they are.
Distance Decay
As distance increases, the intensity of a connection between locations decreases.
Friction of Distance
Distance that causes obstacles or friction in connections.
Human-Environment Interaction (HEI)
How people interact and relate to the physical world through adaptations and modifications.
Environmental Determinism
Theory that landforms and climate shape human behavior and societal development.
Theory that cultures respond to their environment in various ways.
Geographic Scale
The amount of land a map shows, such as global, regional, local.
Local Global Continuum
Interdependencies among different scales where events at one scale can affect events at another scale.
Formal/Uniform Region
Areas with high consistency in common attributes that unify a space.
Functional/Nodal Region
Areas connected by a node, hub, or centerpoint based on movement or communication.
Perceptual/Vernacular Region
Areas grouped by people's beliefs and attitudes that may not have clear boundaries.
Positive Correlation
When two variables work in the same direction.
Negative Correlation
When two variables work in opposite directions.
Quantitative Data
Data that defines numbers, hard statistics.
Qualitative Data
Descriptive data collected through interpretations and interviews.
Choropleth Map
A thematic map using shading to show different levels of data.
Pindot Map
A map using dot symbols to show the presence or quantity of a phenomenon.
Isoline Map
A map using lines to connect points of equal value.
A map that shows electoral votes with larger states representing more electoral votes.
Map Projection
A method of representing the 3D Earth on a 2D surface.
Every map has distortions that result from creating a flat representation of a sphere.
Cylindrical Projection
A map projection that maintains the correct size of land masses but distorts shapes.
Conic Projection
Map projection useful for mid-latitudes with curvature but inconsistent directions.
Population Density
The number of people in relation to the space they occupy.
Portion of the Earth's surface occupied by permanent human settlements.
Arithmetic Density
The number of people per unit of land.
Physiological Density
The number of people per unit of arable land.
Agricultural Density
The number of farmers per unit of arable land.
Demographic Momentum
The tendency for a population to continue to grow even after birth rates decline.
Demographic Transition Model (DTM)
A model that defines the stages of population growth and changes.
Pro Natal Policies
Policies encouraging people to have babies to increase population.
Anti Natal Policies
Policies discouraging people from having babies to control population growth.
A person who moves from one country to another.
A person who moves into a new country.
Cultural Diffusion
The spread of cultural beliefs and social activities from one group to another.
The process by which a culture is substantially changed through interaction with another culture.
Process by which immigrants become fully integrated into a new culture.
Pidgin Language
A simplified language combining elements of two or more languages.
Creole Language
A stable natural language that has developed from a pidgin.
Ethnic Religion
Religion people are born into.
Universalizing Religion
Religions that seek converts.
Dependency Ratio
A ratio comparing the number of dependents to the working-age population.
A group's control or attachment to a piece of land.
A state's ability to govern itself without external interference.
A political entity where the population is predominantly from one nation.
Multinational State
A state containing multiple ethnic groups that have their own distinct political status.
Centripetal Force
Forces that unite or pull people together.
Centrifugal Force
Forces that divide or push people away from each other.
Supranational Organization
An organization composed of multiple countries working together.