Period of imperial decolonisation
Leader of the Nationalist movement in Ghana
Kwame Nkrumah
Convention’s People's Party (CPP)
Ghanaian Political party winner - won 2/3 of Legislative Assembly seats in 1951
Leader of Nationalist Movement in Nigeria
Reasons for violent progress towards independence in East Africa
More urbanisation
More population growth
More Labour disputes
More displacements of populations
Cost of Tanganyika Groundnut scheme
Mau Mau Uprising
1952 - 56
Why did the Mau Mau Uprising take place?
Which ethnic group did the Mau Mau uprising target?
1960 - Sharpville, South Africa
Massacre of protesters by police
What was the Central African Federation?
political union including;
Northern Rhodesia (Zambia)
Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe)
Nyasaland (Malawi)
When was the C.A.F. used by the British & what were their aims?
1953 - 63
aimed to promote economic development & political stability amongst the 3 nations, but was met with resistance from nationalists
Territories led by Kenneth Kaunda and Dr Hastings Bantu
Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland
Winds of Change Speech - 1960
Macmillan; attempt to work with nationalists to manage transition & send message about the Black nationalism in South Africa
Decolonization of Sudan
gained independence 1956
influenced by demand for self-governance, impact of WWII & formation of political organisations advocating independence
Post independence, faced numerous challenges of division between ethnic and religious groups - causing civil war
Decolonization of Jamaica
gained independence in 1962
independence movement marked by significant social & political changes; est. of PNP and JLP
post independence, they faced challenges to economic development
Decolonization of Trinidad and Tobago
August 31 1962
independence movement includes the rise of prominent political figures, like Eric Williams (PNM)
post independence faced challenges with political stability and ethnic tensions
Decolonization of Cyprus
Decolonization of Sierra Leone
Decolonization of Tanzania
Decolonization of Gambia
Decolonization of Barbados
Decolonization of Aden