Features of slow twitch muscle
dark coloured
high concentration of myoglobin
lots of mitochondria
aerobic respiration
why slow twitch muscle contract and fatigue slowly
it uses aerobic respiration so contracts and fatigues slowly
a respiratory protein found in slow twitch muscle s that has a high affinity for oxygen
features of fast twitch muscle
light coloured
contains a low concentration of myoglobin
anaerobic respiration
few mitochondria
why fast twitch muscle has a low density of mitochondria
it uses anaerobic respiration
why a high concentration of myoglobin is a benefit
more oxygen due to its high affinity so greater aerobic respiration
why fast twitch muscle is suited to rapid bursts of activity
it produces ATP much quicker (anaerobic respiration)
why slow twitch muscle is suited to endurance activity
it produces ATP more efficiently and for longer (aerobic respiration)
antagonistic pairs
the pairs muscle tissues work in to cause movement
bundles of muscle fibres
two types of long protein filaments
functional units
what joins the cell surface membrane (sarcolemma) together
neuromuscular synapse
The I (isotropic) band
light stripes containing only thin actin filaments
The A (anisotropic) band
dark stripes that contain myosin and some actin
The H-zone
lighter stripe within the A band containing only myosin filaments
The Z-line
a dark line found in the middle of the I band where actin is anchored
(end of sarcomere)
what the z line indicates
the end of the sarcomere
the boundary between sarcomeres
the Z line
the molecule which prevents the myosin head from binding
ions released by an action potential which cause tropomyosin to be displaced
calcium ions
significance of tropomyosin being displaced
allows myosin head to bind to actin and form actomyosin cross bridge
what the formation of a actomyosin cross bridge releases
inorganic phosphate
power stroke
when the myosin head bends and pulls actin over myosin
molecule released when the myosin head bends
molecule which causes myosin head to detach from actin filament
new ATP molecule
what the hydrolysis of ATP allows at the myosin head
myosin can resume its normal position
movement of actin once bound with myosin head
actin moves across one and the myosin head binds to the next binding site further a long the actin filament
change in shape of A band during muscle contraction
stays the same it never changes myosin does not move
how a H zone changes during muscle contraction
it decreases in size
what I band contains
just actin
how size of I band changes during muscle contraction
it gets smaller
what happens to the z lines during muscle contraction
they get closer together