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Isidoran Map (T-O Map)
Type of early world map that represents first described by 7th-century scholar Isidore of Seville in his De natura Rerum and later his Etymologie. “T and O” maps showing three continents – Africa, Europe and Asia –
Jan van Kessel
the continent of africa
Sebastian munster
Libya, Morland with their kingdoms to date. 1544
Martyrdom of the Jesuit missionary in the Congo, 1508. Ca. XVIII century. Church of Loios, Evora Portugal
Evidence in criminal trial of Jose Francisco. (black man from Juda, Mina Coast). Slave owned by Domingos Francisco Pedroso, 1731. No. Inv. Lisbon Inquisition, Proc.11774.
Photographer: Arthur Guest,1935. Burning of hundreds Minkisi at Kibokolo Baptist Church, Mbanza Kongo area, 1935
Superstition and Witchcraft (Black Magic) Newspaper illustration, Belgium, 1930’
Still image from the feature film, I Walked with a Zombie, 1943
San Art, Namibia and South Africa, dated around 25,500- 27,500 years ago
Theodore de Bry after Thomas Hariot, 158
Theodore de Bry. India Orientali, Vol. 10, 1592
Illustration that shows an early representation of a pottery N’kisi that become prenda in Cuba’s Palo Monte religion, from João António Cavazzi
de Montecúccolo, Descrição Histórica dos Três Reinos do Congo, Matamba e Angola, 1687
Jean Baptiste Debret, Negro feticeiro (black witchdoctor), 1836, Brazil.
Victor Patricio Landaluze, Farmer and Slave, ca1870.
Victor Patricio Landaluze, Street Vender, 1888.
Victor Patricio de Landaluze, “Diablito” Mongo, Cuba, 1878.
Johann Moritz Rugendas. African Abrahams, 1827-1835. Allegory and Allusion in the Brazilian Anti-slavery
Matthaeus Marian, Entombment of Christ, Detail, 1621-87. J. M. R, Detail
Thomas Cole. Expulsion from the Garden of Eden, 1827-8
Esteban Chartrand, Runaway Slaves (Cimarrones), 1875
Victor Patricio de Landaluze Escaped Slave Fights with Hunting Dogs, ca 1880
Robert S. Duncanson, Landscape with Rainbow, 1859.
Pablo Picasso Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, 1907
Enrique Chagoya Time Can Pass Fast or Slowly, 2009.
Sarabanda son los Hierros (Sarabanda are the Irons), by Jose Bedia, 1993
One & Three Chairs by Joseph Kosuth, 1965. Consists of a photograph of a chair, an actual chair and a dictionary definition of a chair
Sun Ra (50’s)
Lee “Scratch” Perry (late 70’s)
George Clinton (late 80’s)
Gerald Machona. Vabvakure (People from far Away), 2015
Maurice Mbikayi. Ndoto ya bata, 2016
Maurice Mbikayi. Mupia-Mupia (New and Shiny), 2017
Sputnik 1, 1957
Rogelio Rodriguez Cardenas. Untitled, ca. 1967. Series satelites 2003.
Rogelio Rodriguez Cardenas. Satelite 10, 2004-2005.
"Etchings of Remarkable Beggars, Itinerant Traders, and Other Persons of Notoriety in London and Its Environs" by John Thomas Smith (1815
Cyclopes, Black Odyssey Series. Romare Bearden. 1977.
Belkis Ayón, “Dejame salir (Let me Out!), 1998.
Sethembile Msezane. Left: The Day Rhode Fell (2015)
Pendant of Ogun (amula ogun), between 1900 - 1925. Nigeria
Ogun in Cuba, Caldero de Ogun (Iron cauldron), 1979. Such objects are full of various expression of ironwork, such as nails, iron bows and arrows, horseshoes, fetters.
Ogun shrine, Benin, 1970’s.
Ochosi, Nigeria, 1857.
Ogun and Oshosi, Havana , Cuba, 1950’s
Ogun, By Dos Santos, Bahia, Brazil, 1965.
Arthur Bispo do Rosario, Miniaturas, 1980’s.
Marcel Duchamp, Fountain, c. 1917
Arthur Bispo do Rosario, Vaso sanitario. Late 1980’s
Makuku a matatu malambila Ne-Kongo
Three speaking stones. From 1000 Punto Riscados, Umbanda Notebook. Brazil.1980’s.
A figure facing forward appears to float in space. In the middle , a man with plumes bent over his head and wearing necklaces holds in right hand a geometric shape half hidden by outlined object. On the right, a woman raises her arms. Round Head Period. C. 9,500 - 7,000 BP.
A complex pattern of animal and human shapes dominated by two almost life-sized adult figures. Round Head Period
Gilf Kebir, Egypt
A hunter, holds an arrow in his right hand and a heavy bow in the left. Pastoral Period. C. 7,200 -3,000BP
A late Pastoral Period scene with cattle and featured people
Megaphallic animal-headed persons, in full frontal view with hand on hips
An elephant from the Messak and two tiny hunters stand before the elephant, the upper one wielding a boomerang. Babalus (Bubbles) Period around 12,000 - 10,000 years ago Therianthropes with the head of a canid (lycaon) and
Hairdressing in the Akakus Mountains. This painted scene of a seated man working on the hair of a figure crouching before him, 6,000 years ago
An engraving of a lion superimposing another of a hippopotamus in the Akakus Mountains, Babalus (Baubles) Period. C. 12,000 - 10,000 BP
. A large shape, red enclosing white, appears to have a handle and decorated spout, meaning it may be water container. Numerous chrome cattle with curved horns are painted below the dancers. Camel Period. C. 3,000 2,000 BP
The figure shows an archer with bow and arrow, around 5500 B.C. - 3500 B.C. Pastoral Period
Figure suggested that belong to the roundhead period, 7th - 6th millennium B.C
“Round Head” figure: Ta-n Zumaitak, Tassili n’ Ajje
The masked man, Tassili N’ Ajjer. C 8,000 BP.
Engraving of an elephant is from Tassili, and it belonging to the Cattle Period. Around 5500
Left: Hunter with bow. Jabbaren, Tassili N’ Ajjer, Algeria. Cattle herdsmen period, c. 5th-4th millennium B.C. Right: Giant masked figure with superimpositions. Sefar, Tassili N’ Ajjer. C. 7th-6th millennium B.C.
A two-horse chariot driven by a man wearing a skirt and holding two sets of reins. Although the horses are depicted in profile, the chariot is seen from an angle so that both wheels and the standing platform are visible.
Decorative wall in the cave of wadi Sura
An engraved figures with double triangle bodies, around 2,500 years old
A scene of giraffe,. The date is uncertain but is probably less than 4,500 years old
The patterning on the giraffes has been achieved by cross-hatching. Around 4,500 years ago.
The engraving appears to resemble a cow. Around 3,000 years ago
A massive red bull dominates a cattle scene with a herdsman painted on the outer wall of a cave. The silhouette paintings, executed in outline and filled in. Pastoral Period, 4500 years ago.
A red painted in eastern Chad of a camel with an armed rider superimposed by a white outline image of another camel. Below, a cow walks to the right. Around 2,000 years ago, Camel Period
Tovo cross dated from between 1270 to 1800. Democratic Republic of Congo. See Geoffroy Heimlich, Pascale Richardin, Nathalie Gandolfo , Erick Laval and Michel Menu. First direct radiocarbon dating of the lower Congo rock art. January 2013.
Colonoware bowl bases with mark similar to the Kongo cosmogram, from Pimlico plantation, South Caroline, Lowcountry, 1753. From Leland Ferguson & Kelly Goldberg. From the Earth: Spirituality, Medicine Vessels, and Consecrated Bowls as Responses to Slavery in the South Caroline Lowcountry, Journal of frican Diaspora Archeology and Heritage, 2019. Primary example: Cub
Double arrow means masculine principle; lightning; fecundity; power.The pointing of the arrow to the north east symbolizes ascent to the ancestral realm and communication with those responsible for bringing fertility and healing rain. The double arrow signifies the transcendence of an earthly state during the initiation rite
Water that falls over an old man head reaches his beard. Means there is always wisdom in an elderly person
The zig zag is a graphic dipiction of ancestor’s vitality. The pregnant woman: Pregnancy represents the great mother; the portal into the future of the community
Years of glory have forever passed
Engraving by Johann Israel de Bry and Johann Theodore de Bry , 1564-1609). From Duarte Lopes and Philippo Pigafetta, Vera descripto regain Africani (1591). Oxford University Libraries
White female ancestor mask, Kongo people, D.R.C. and Angola
Name: Tadi dia Lombo. (The welcome rock) Coordinates: 6.37’44” S 13. 50’ 3” E Location: Vata Nzau-e-vua Country: Angola Field work: 28-07-2023 Date: ? 300 Years Ago
Name: Nsenzele dia Matadi. (The shining rock) Coordinates: 6.32’39” S 14. 21’ 59” E Location: Vata Kizulu Country: Angola Field work: 01-08-2023 Date: ? 150 Years Ago
Miami Akibansi (Monolith) ,custodian beats the slit gong to announced the activity, Ejagham people, Nigeria 2016
Examples of Monoliths, Ejagham region. Ca. 200AD -1900AD
Drawing of a procession of a “white” / “mixed” Abakua lodge and three new initiates, late XIX century, Cuba, 1925
Picture symbolizing the birth of Naniguismo in West Africa. Drawn by an “86 year old [African] native before he died’, Cuba, 1925
Julian Gonzalez Perez. Bríkamo Mañongo Usagaré. Oil on canvas, 2008
Center drum Sese, Abakua society, Cuba, 2000
Victor Patricio de Landaluze, Diablito Mongo (in Famba), 1878, Havana, Cuba
Victor Patricio de Landaluze, El dia de los Reyes, 1878, havana, Cuba
Victor Patricio de Landaluze, Diablito, 1878, havana, Cuba
Masked-messenger dancer, Ejagham people, Ekpe leopard society, Cameroon, 1969
Ireme, Eforikama House, Havana, 1992
Nnimm mask or Ekoi headdress of Ekpa society
Crest mask Date: Late 19th to mid-20th century Medium: Wood, animal skin, palm fiber, bamboo, metal, pigment Dimensions: H x W: 63.5 x 86 cm (25 x 33 7/8 in.) Credit Line: Museum purchase Geography: Cross River region, Nigeri