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the process by which seats in the House of representatives are distributed among the fifty states
the political proxess that results from dividing a legislature into two separate assemblies
proposed legislation under consideration by a legislature
a parliamentary process to end a debate n the Senate, as a measure against the filibuster; invokes when three-fifths of senators vote for the motion
collective representation
the relationship between Congress and the United States as a whole, and whether the institution itself represents the American people
conference committee
a special type of joint committee that reconciles different bills passed in the House and Senate so a single bill results
the body of voters, or constituents, represented by a particular politician
delegate model of representation
a model of representation in which representatives feel compelled to act on the specific states wishes of their constituents
descriptive representation
the extent to which a body of representatives feel compelled to act on the specific stated wishes of their constituencies, such as class, race, ethnicity, and gender
enumerated powers
the powers given explicitly to the federal government by the Constitution to regulate interstate and foreign commerce, raise and support armies, declare war, coin money, and conduct foreign affairs
a parliamentary maneuver used in the Senate to extend debate on a piece of legislation as long as possible ,typically with the intended purpose of obstructing or killing it
implied powers
the powers not specifically detailed in the U.S. Constitution but inferred as necessary to achieve the objectives of the national government
inherent powers
the powers neither enumerated nor implies but assumed to exist as a direct result of the country’s existence
joint committee
a legislative committee consisting of members from both chambers that investigates certian topic but lacks bill referral authority
majority leader
the leader of the majority party in either the House or Senate; in the House, the majority leader serves under the Speaker of the House, in the Senate, the majority leader is the functional leader and chief spokesperson for the majority party
the amending and voting process in a congressional committee
minority leader
the party member who directs the activities of the minority party on the floor of either the House or the Senate
the right to review and monitor other bodies such as the executive branch
politico model of representation
a model of representation in which members of Congress act as either trustee or delegate, based on rational political calculations about who is best serves, the constituency or the nation
pork-barrel politics
federal spending intended to benefit a particular district or set of constituents
president pro tempore
the senator who acts the in the absence of the actual president of the Senate, who is also the vice president of the United States; the president pro tempore is usually the most senior senator of the majority party
an elected leader’s looking out for constituents while carrying out the duties of the office
select committee
a small legislative committee created to fulfill a specific purpose and then disbanded; also called an ad hoc, or special, committee
Speaker of the House
the presiding officer of the House of representatives and the leader of the majority party; the Speaker is second in the presidential line of succession, after the vice president
standing committee
a permanent legislative committee that meets regularly
surge-and-decline theory
a theory proposing that the surge of stimulation occurring during presidential elections subsides during midterm elections, accounting for the differences we observe in turnouts and results
trustee model of representation
a model of representation in which representatives feel at liberty to act in the way they believe is best fir their constitutents
in the House and in the Senate, a high leadership position whose primary duty is to enforce votinf discipline in the chambers and conferences
bully pulpit
Theodore Roosevelt's notion of the presidency as a platform from which the presidnt could push an agenda
a group of advisors to the president, consisting f the most senior appointed officers of the executive branch and without formal consent by the Senate
Executive Office of the President
the administrative organization that reports directly to the president and made up of important offices, units, and staff of the current president and headed by the White House chief of staff
executive order
a rule or order issued by the president without the cooperation of Congress and having the force of law
executive privilege
the president’s right to withhold information from Congress, the judiciary, or the public
going public
a term for when the president delivers a major television address in the hope that public pressure will result in the legislators supporting the president ton a major piece of legislation
the act of charging a government official with serious wrongdoing, which in some cases may lead to the removal of the official from office
king caucus
an informal meeting held in the nineteenth century, sometimes called a congressional caucus, made up of legislators in the Congress who met to decide on presidential nominees for their respective parties
line-item veto
a power crested through law in 1996 and overturned by the Supreme Court in 1998 that allowed the president to veto specific aspects of bills passed by Congress while signing into law what remained
Office of Management an Budget
an office within the Executive Office of the President charged with producing the president’s budget, overseeing its implementation, and overseeing the executive bureaucracy
rally around the flag effect
a spike in presidential popularity during international crisis
signing statement
a statement a president issues with the intent to influence the way a specific bill the president signs should be enforced
amicus curiae
literally a “friend of the court” and used for a brief filed by someone who is interested in but not party to a cause
appellate court
a court that reviews cases already decided on by a lower or trial court and that may change the lower court’s decision
appellate jurisdiction
the power of a court to hear a case on appeal from a lower court and possibly change the lower court’s decision
associate justice
a member of the Supreme Court who is not the chief justice
a written legal argument presented to a court by one of the parties in a case
chief justice
the highest-ranking justice of the Supreme Court
circuit courts
the appeals (appellate) courts of the federal court system that review decisions of the lower (district) courts; also called courts of appeals
civil law
a non-criminal law defining private rights and remedies
common law
the pattern of law developed by judges through case decision largely based on precedent
concurring opinion
an opinion written by a justice who agrees with the Court’s majority opinion but has different reasons for doing so
closed meeting of the justices to discuss cases on the docket and take an initial vote
courts of appeals
the appellate courts of the federal court system that review decisions of the lower (district) courts; also called circuit courts
criminal law
a law that prohibits actions that could harm or endanger others, and established punishment for those actions
dissenting opinion
an opinion written by a justice who disagrees with the majority opinion of the Court
district courts
the trial courts of the federal court system where cases are tried, evidence is presented, and witness testimony is heard
the list of cases pending on a court’s calendar
dual court system
the division of the courts into two separate systems, one federal and one state, with each of the fifty states having its own courts
judicial activism
a judicial philosophy in which a justice is more likely to overturn decisions or rule actions by the other branches unconstitutional, especially in a an attempt to broaden individual rights and liberties
judicial restraint
a judicial philosophy in which a justice is more likely to let stand the decisions or actions of the other branches of government
judicial review
the power of the courts to review actions taken by the other branches of government and the states and to rule on whether those actions are constitutional
majority opinion
an opinion of the Court in which more than half the nine justices agree
Marbury v. Madison
the 1803 Supreme Court case that established the courts’ power of judicial review and the first time the Supreme Court ruled an act act of Congress to be unconstitutional
oral argument
words spoken before the Supreme Court (usually by lawyers) explaining the legal reasons behinf their position in a case and why is should prevail
original jurisdiction
the power of a court to hear a case for the first time
the principles or guidelines established by courts in earlier cases that frame the ongoing opertion of the courts, steering the direction of the entire system
Rule of Four
a Supreme Court custom in which a case will be heard when four justices decide to do so
senatorial courtesy
an unwritten custom by which the president consults the senators in the state before nominating a candidate for a federal vacency there, particulary for court positions
solicitor general
the lawyer who represents the federal government and argues in some cases before the Supreme Court
stare decisis
the principle by which courts rely on past decisions and their precedents when making decisions in new cases
trial court
the level of a court in which a case starts or is first tried
writ of certiorari
an order of the Supreme Court calling up the records of the lower courts so a case may be reviews; sometimes abbreviated cert.
amendatory veto
a veto that allows a governor to send a bill back to the legislature with a message requesting a specific amendment
a document that provides a framework and detailed account of local government responsibilities and areas of authority
commission system
an elected commission that serves as the governing body with a given county
consecutive term limits
caps allowing a member of the legislature to serve only for a specified period of time in either the state house or senate and forcing a wait before the member can run again
council-administrator system
an elected council that appoints an administrator to oversee the operation of the county government
council elected executive system
a county government in which voter elect both the members of the council and the executive
council-elected executive system
a county government in which voters elect both the members of the council and the executive
council-manager system
a structure of government in which elected members of the city council appoint a city manager to carry out administrative functions
delegate legislator
a legislator who represents the will of those who elected the legislator to office and acts in their expressed interest, even when it goes against a personal belief about what is ultimately in the constituency’s best interest
Dillon’s Rule
a legal principle that holds state power and actions above those of local governments and declares state governments to be sovereign relative to local governments
expressed powers
those powers specifically provided to the Congress and the president in the U.S. Constitution
formal powers
those powers a governor may exercise that are specifically outlined in the state constitution or state law
home rule
principle that provides local governments some degree of independence from the state government, typically detailed in a charter
implied powers
those powers not specifically detailed in the U.S. Constitution but inferred as necessary to achieve the objectives of the national government
individualistic political culture
a culture that views the government as a mechanism for addressing issues that matter to individual citizens and for pursuing individual goals
lifetime ban
a rule that members can serve only one time in the state legislature for the number of years allotted and may not run again
line-tem veto
a state governor’s ability to strike out a line or individual portions of a bill while letting the remainder pass into law
mayor-council system
a structure of government in which both ciy council members and the mayor are elected by voters
moralistic political culture
a culture that views the government as a means to better society and promore the general welfare
a governor’s action to absolve someone of blame for a crime and secure their release from prison
reduction veto
a governor’s authority to reduce the amount budgeted in a piece of legislation
term limits
rules that restrict the length of time a member can serve in the state legislature
traditionalistic political culture
a culture that views the government as necessary to maintaining the existing social order or the status quo
an officeholder who believes they were elected to exercise judgment and to know best by virtue of having the time and expertise to study and understand an issue
an administrative group of nonelected official charged with carrying out functions connected to a series of policies and programs
the civil servants or political appointees who fill nonelected positions in government and make up the bureaucracy
civil servants
the individuals who fill nonelected positions in government and make up the bureaucracy; also known as bureaucrats
government corporation
a corporation that fulfills an important public interest and is therefore overseen by government authorities to a much larger degree than private businesses
merit system
a system of filling civil service positions by using competitive examinations to value experience and competence over political loyalties