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Part of a program that is ignored by the assembler. It can improve the program readability and clarity
Reserved Words
Words in which the assembler assigns a special meaning and it cannot be used as identifiers
Categories of Reserved Words
Instructions, Directives, Operators, Pre-defined Symbols
Statements that will be translated into machine language and executed by the computer
Statements that give information to the assembler. Also known as pseudo-ops
These are not translated into machine language but are necessary for the program to assemble properly
Used at assembly time to affect the value of an operand.
Pre-defined Symbols
Symbols that return information to your program
Is a user-defined name or variable that you apply in the program that is used as a reference
Types of Identifier
Name, Label
Refers to the address of a data item
Refers to the address of an instruction or procedure
It consists of set of statements
Types of statements
Instructions and Directives
Creates a title up to 60 characters of a source listing
Tells the assembler to ignore all other request and adopt the DOS segment sequence-stack, data and code.
It specifies and initializes the memory model before defining and segment.
Defines the size of the stack. Default size is 1024 bytes
Defines and marks the beginning of data segment
Defines and marks the code segment which consists of a set of instructions.
Placed at the last line of the source code
Used for descriptive data. Ends with $ symbol and defined in “ “
Numeric Constant
Used to define arithmetic values and memory addresses. Defined with a radix specifier such as d for decimal, b for binary, and h for hexadecimal
Used to compare character data, as well as numeric data fields
Considered as unconditional jump instruction. Does not depend on a condition being true or false
Every procedure is defined using ___
NUL (Null)
No character. Used for filling in time or filling space on tape when there is no data
BEL (Bell)
Used when there is need to call human attention.
SO (Shift Out)
Indicates that the code combinations shall be interpreted as outside of the standard character set until SHIFT IN character is reached
DEL (Delete)
Used to obliterate unwanted characters
SP (Space)
A nonprinting used to separate words, or to move the printing mechanism or display cursor forward by one position
DLE (Data Link Escape)
A character which shall change the meaning of one or more contiguously following characters.
DLE (Data Link Escape)
Can provide supplementary controls, or permits the sending of data characters having any bit combinations
DC1, DC2, DC3, DC4 (Device Controls)
Character for the control of auxiliary devices or special terminal features
CAN (Cancel)
Indicates that the data which precedes it in message or black should be disregarded.
EM (End of Medium)
Indicates the physical end card, tape or other medium or the end of the required or used portion of the medium
SUB (Substitute)
Substitute for a character that is found to be erroneous or invalid
ESC (Escape)
A character intended to provide code extension in that it gives a specified number of continuously following characters an alternate
BS (Backspace)
Indicates movement of the printing mechanism or display cursor backwards in one position
HT (Horizontal Tab)
Indicates movement of the printing mechanism or display cursor forward to the next pre assigned ‘tab’ or stopping position
LF (Line Feed)
- Indicates movement of the printing mechanism or display cursor to the start of the next line
VT (Vertical Tab)
- Indicates movement of the printing mechanism or display cursor to the next of a series of pre-assigned printing lines
FF (Form Feed)
- Indicates movement of the printing mechanism or display cursor to the starting position of the next page, form or screen
CR (Carriage Return)
- Indicates movement of the printing mechanism or display cursor to the starting position of the same line
SOH (Start of Heading)
Used to indicate the start of a heading, which may contain address or routing information
STX (Start of Text)
Used to indicate the start of the text and also indicates the end of the heading
ETX (End of Text)
Used to terminate the text, which was started with STX
EOT (End of Transmission)
Indicates the end of a transmission, which included one or more “text’s” with their headings
ENQ (Enquiry)
A request for a response from a remote station.
ACK (Acknowledgement)
A character transmitted by a receiving device as an affirmation response to sender
NAK (Negative Acknowledgement)
A character transmitted by a receiving device as a negative response to polling messages.