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refugee commision
Over one million prisoners of war →Fridtjof Nansen (Norweigen) - displaced people did not want to go back → Nansen passports, allowed them to go to 44 different countries
Drug commision
Specifically cared about opium - wanted to control illigal sales eg. replace income source with other → created Opium advisory comitee → 50% fall in opium usage in USA → but many companies moved to places whre it was not illegal eg.China
article 8 of covenant → Geneva protocol 1924
disarmermnt confrence
1932 → unsuccessful, Germany, Japan left the leauge + confrence in 1933, G in october + J in March
health campaigns, access to health care, standardisation of medicine, 1923 Health committee set up to investigate many diseases
International Labour Organisation (ILO)
Workers rights - annual confrences by 1939 67 covenants were agreed apon - unemployment working hours etc.
monitor former colonies - split into 1 of three types depending on readiness for reliance
deal with people trafficking + slavery abolition, 1926 - convention on slavery, defining it. They only alowed people against slavery into the leauge
child welfare
abundant refugees + orphans → Child welfare committee was an umbrella organisation for all child related. Nutrition+ sex education established for children, 1924 Geneva decleration of the right of the child
abysinian crisis
Plans in 1932, 1934 Wal-Wal incident, 1935-36, remiliterizing preparing for war - mass produced weaponry all arivals at docs in libya etc increast x4 - bombed severly w sulfur mustard bombs → secret deal between france + britain + italy leaked → piblic opposition → weakening leauge
1923, 5 italians murderd in greece (boarder workers for ToV) Italy invaded → LoN take italy out greece pay 50 mil lire
Greek Bulgarian war
1925- Border between b+g dispute 2 deaths of greek guards→greece invaded. LoN→Greece pay 30 mil lev due to stolen crops etc. - 60 hour war
Upper silisia
1921 - 54% in favour of joining Germany→ uprising bc Polish felt opressed to vote → poland got eco active part so Germany got 2/3