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n. excessive or blind adoration; worship of an object
v. to make impure; to contaminate
syn: taint; corrupt
ant: refine; refined
v. to come forth; to send forth
syn: emerge; rise
adj. tastelessly gaudy
syn: showy; glaring; flashy
ant: sedate; conservative
adj. unchangeable; fixed
syn: enduring
ant: flexible; changeable
n. a crown
adj. pertaining to the countryside; rural; rustic
syn: pastoral
ant: urban
adj. having a pleasant odor; suggestive or evocative
syn: aromatic
ant: acrid
adj. without money; penniless
syn: destitute; indigent
ant: affluent; prosperous
n. rebellion or resistance against the government
syn: treachery; disloyalty
v. to pollute; to corrupt
adj. unnecessary or uncalled for
n. a burden; a responsibility
syn: obligation
adj. disrespectful toward God
n. a warning
syn: admonition; caution
adj. calm; pleasant
syn: tranquil; unruffled
ant: troubled; tumultuous
adj. hard to please; fussy
syn: meticulous; exacting
ant: casual; lax
n. playful, teasing talk
syn: chaff; joshing
n. a word humorously misused
v. to gather; to acquire
syn: harvest
n. destiny; fate; fortune (one's lot in life)
n. flight; escape
n. a model; an example
n. corruption; self-indulgence
syn: excess; dissipation
n. environment; setting
v. to move backward
adj. bad tempered; cross
syn: grouchy; cantankerous
ant: pleasant
n. magic, especially that practiced by a witch
syn: black magic; conjuring
n. courage and initiative; common sense
syn: enterprise; aggressiveness; drive
n. flattery
syn: overpraise; bootlicking
n. A supposed remedy for all ailments.
syn: medicine; panacea
adj. Dried up.
n. A stopping; a discontinuance.
syn: ceasing; end
ant: beginning; commencement
v. To place side-by-side for comparison.
syn: measure; examine
adj. Pertaining to motion.
adj. Talkative.
syn: loquacious; verbose
ant: taciturn
n. An object that receives respect or devotion.
syn: charm; verbose
v. To sparkle; to twinkle; to sparkle intellectually.
adj. Tearful, weepy.
n. An opening; a groove; a split.
n. A typical example.
syn: embodiment; archetype
adj. Sluggish; drooping from weakness.
syn: listless; feeble; drooping
ant: robust; vigorous
v. To describe, to depict.
n. Sleight of hand; deception.
n. One who leads an immoral life.
syn: hedonist; glutton; epicurean