Localization of brain function theory
The idea that every behaviour is associated with a specific region of the brain
What is the theory of neuroplasticity
The ability of the brain to change through the making and breaking of synaptic connections that occurs due to changes in the environment.
can happen on a synaptic level or a cortex level (cortex mapping)
Explain neurotransmission
Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers stored in an axion and released into the synaptic cleft. They are responsible for chemical neurotransmission. They do this by binding to a receptor on another neuron which changes that neuron’s electrical potential and contributes to building up an impulse.
What does dopamine do
Feel good transmitter that controls reward and pleasure centers while regulating emotional response and movement. It enables us to seek awards and achieve them.
What do fMRIs do
They take a dynamic image of the brain at roughly 1 second intervals. They show ongoing brain processes in great detail.
operate based on the idea that areas of high activity in the brain have high oxygenated blood flow which is measured by the fMRI
What are Hormones
Chemical messenger emitted from the endocrine glands they regulate more longterm processes than neurotransmitters and we have less control over them. They are carried by the blood stream and can reach almost every part of the body.
They trigger a sequence of changes on a cell that they bind to. The cell has to have a receptor for the hormone.
What does Oxytocin do?
Plays an important role in social bonding childbirth and reproduction
What are pheromones
Chemical messengers that provide information about another member of the same species often processed by the accessory olfactory bulb in mammals
What are genes
Sections of DNA passed from parent to offspring. One gene does not cause physical, psychological, or behavioural attributes but these can be caused by multiple genes.