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Random Sampling
select n elements from a population in such a way that every set of n elements in the population has the same chance of being selected
Random Sampling
In order to select a random sample of n elements from a population, we make n random selections- 1 at a time – from the population.
2 Types of Random Sampling
Sampling w/ Replacement
Sampling w/o Replacement
Sampling w/ Replacement
Placing the element (ex. individual) chosen on any particular selection back into the population
The element has a chance to be chosen on any succeeding random selection
Sampling w/o Replacement
Not placing the element chosen on a particular selection back into the population
The element no longer has a chance to be chosen on
any succeeding random selection
Probability Sampling
A sampling where we know the chance (or probability) that each element in the population will be included in the sample
Probability Sampling
sample obtained can be used to make valid statistical inferences about the sample population
4 Types of Probability Sampling
Simple Random Sampling
all subjects of a population have a chance to be chosen
Systematic Random Sampling
picking the nth person
Stratified Random Sampling
dividing the population into smaller groups; randomly selecting from these groups proportionally
Cluster Random Sampling
used when natural groups occur in a population; population is subdivided into groups and random samples are then gathered from each group
3 Types of Non-Probabilistic Sampling
Voluntary Response
Convenience Sampling
we select elements because they are easy or convenient to use
Voluntary Response Samples
A type of convenience sampling where participants self-select – that is, whoever wishes to participate does so
Purposive Sampling
a person who is extremely knowledgeable about the population under consideration selects population elements that he or she feels are most representative of the population
Slovin’s Formula
n = N / (1 + Ne²)