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What is sex?
The culturally agreed upon physical differences between male and female, especially biological differences related to human reproduction.
What is intersex?
Someone born with both female and male characteristics.
What is gender?
The culturally constructed beliefs and behaviors appropriate for each sex.
What is sexual dimorphism?
The phenotype (observable traits like height, eye color) difference between males and females in the same species.
What are cultural constructions of gender?
The ways human learn to perform and recognize behaviors as masculine or feminine within their cultural context.
What is masculinity?
The ideas and practices associated with manhood, which varies from culture to culture
What is femininity?
The ideas and practices associated with womanhood, which varies from culture to culture
What are gender roles?
Expected ways of behaving based on society’s definition of masculinity and femininity.
What are gender stereotypes?
A generalised view of characteristics possessed by either male or female.
What is transgender?
People whose gender identity and expression do not correspond with the biological sex category they were assigned at birth.
What is gender fluid?
A gender identity that can vary between male and female or some non-binary identity over time and in different circumstances.
What is third gender?
Situation found in many societies that acknowledge 3 or more categories of gender/sex.
What are hijras?
Often born males but look and dress traditionally in feminine ways in India. They are revered in religious and ritual positions, but are severely discriminated against in housing, health and education.
What are two-spirits?
A term borrowed from the Ojibwe language that encompasses a diversity of genders and sexualities in distinct Native cultures.
What is gender stratification?
Another way to say gender inequality. It is the unequal distribution of power in which gender shapes who has access to a group’s resources, opportunities, rights and privileges.
What is gender-based violence?
An umbrella term for harmful acts of abuse perpetrated against a person’s will and rooted in a system of unequal power between women and men.
What are some examples of gender-based violence?
Strong preferences for sons in India and China —> sex-selective abortion
Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, Two-Spirit and Gender Diverse
Honor Killings
Misogyny (hate against women)
Misandry (prejudice against men)
What is gender imbalance?
Unequal distribution of males and females in a population. It can lead to marriage crisis.
What is sexuality?
The complex range of desires, beliefs and behaviors that are related to erotic physical contact, and the cultural arena within which people debate what kinds of physical desires and behaviors are right, appropriate and natural.
What are some examples of different attitudes towards sexuality?
Dani of New Guinea —> limit secual expression, 4-6 year postpartum sex abstinence
Ju/’hoansi —> open to same-sex relationships
What is heteronormativity?
The assumption that heterosexuality is the default, normal, or preferred sexual orientation.
Who is Gloria Wekker and what did she study regarding sexuality?
An Afro-Surinamese professor that studied the lives of the mati in Suriname (women who engage in intimate spiritual, emotional and sexual relationships with women and men). Noted that the mati saw sexuality as a flexible behavior rather than a fixed identity.
Who is Lancaster and what did he study regarding sexuality?
Roger Lancaster is an American anthro prof that studied how masculinity, sexuality, and power operate in Nicaraguan society, mainly on men. He argues that, among these men, the intersection of power and sexuality privileges aggression and assertiveness regardless of sexual identity.
Basically saying whoever is dominant in sex is considered masculine and the one that is submissive is seen as less masculine.
Who is Allison and what did they study regarding sexuality?
Anne Allison is an anthropologist that studied the behavior of Japanese male, white-collar workers going to visit hostess clubs to bond through the shared objectification of women.