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Feedback inhibition
When a product that the cell is making stops the production of said product.
A DNA sequence that consists of a promoter, operator, and genes involved.
The entire set of genetic information in an organism.
The region responsible for keeping the gene on or off for gene expression.
A sequence where RNA polymerase binds to initiate gene expression.
Tryptophan operon activity
It is turned off in the presence of tryptophan and on in its absence.
Repressor in presence of tryptophan
Changes shape to bind to the operator and prevent gene expression.
The signaling molecule that binds to the repressor to remove it from the operator.
cAMP role
A signaling molecule that enhances RNA polymerase activity.
CRP (Cyclic AMP receptor protein)
A protein activated when lactose levels are high and glucose levels are low.
A chromatin modification that unwinds DNA to allow gene expression.
A chromatin modification that compacts DNA to prevent gene expression.
RNA splicing
The process that removes introns and joins exons in mRNA.
Sections of mRNA that are removed and not expressed.
Sections of mRNA that remain and are expressed.
A molecule that triggers the degradation of proteins.
Descent with modification
The idea that species change over time and share a common ancestor.
The study of fossils and how they support evolutionary theory.
Layers of sedimentary rock that contain fossils.
Similarity between species resulting from common ancestry.
Analogous features
Similar structures in different species that serve similar functions but do not share a common ancestor.
Changes in allele frequency in a population over time.
Gene Pool
The total collection of alleles in a population.
Genetic drift
Random fluctuations of allele frequencies from one generation to the next.
Gene flow
The movement of alleles among populations due to migration.
Adaptive evolution
An increase in allele frequency that enhances fitness.
Directional selection
Natural selection favoring individuals at one end of the phenotypic range.
Stabilizing selection
Natural selection favoring moderate/average phenotypes.
Heterozygote advantage
Higher fitness of heterozygotes compared to either homozygous form.