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What are Genes
They are segments of DNA
Carry the instructions for the development every cell in the body.
What are Genes made up of?
specific sequences of nucleotides = the building blocks of DNA.
determine the specific traits/characteristics of an organism.
Where are genes contained in the human body?
In chromosomes
Cell with nucleus = chromosomes
What is a chromosome?
thread-like structure that contain a DNA molecule
long DNA molecule is tightly coiled many times around supporting proteins
Package of DNA
What is DNA
Deoxyribonucleic acid = basic unit of inheritance
Set of Genes?
The set of Genes = genotype.
The set of traits manifested = phenotype.
What is a phenotype?
observable traits that result from the interaction of genotype with the environment.
E.g. height, weight, eye colour
Nature vs Nurture
long-lasting debate in psychology
attempts to establish whether human behaviour is determined primarily by biological factors or environmental factors
Methods of research for the nature vs nurture debate?
research design
investigates genetic and environmental factors
compares similarities and differences of relatives with common ancestry.
What do Twin Studies allow researchers to estimate?
proportion of variance in a trait due to genetic and environmental factors (genetic heritability)
Genetic heritability
The quantitative measure of the relative contribution of genetic factors into a trait or behaviour.
How is Genetic heritability estimated?
twin studies
based on the Falconer model.
Falconer Model
assumes phenotype is comprised of three types of influence. There are: genetics, shared environment, individual environment (I = A + C + E)
Kendler et al.
Used the Falconer model to estimate genetic heritability while investigating the environmental and genetic influences on the risk of major depression
Kendler et al. year
Aim 1: Past Studies
Past studies suggest a 35-45% heritability of major depression. Would this be true in a large Swedish sample
Aim 2: Gender
Are there significant gender differences in the heritability of major depression
Aim 3: Factors
Is there evidence that genetic and environmental factors in major depression differ over time
Correlational Studies
Independent Measures Design
Sampling Strategy
Purposive Sampling (Swedish twin registry)
15,493 complete twin pairs
Sex or zygosity
Concordance of diagnosis
Procedure 1
Team of trained interviews - telephone interviews
Maths 1998 - Jan 2003
Procedure 2
Assessment criteria - modified DSM 4
Procedure 3
Also asked questions about the twins âshared environmentâ and their âindividual specific environmentâ
Findings 1
8056 twins met criteria for a diagnosis of major depression at some point in life
322 voluntarily discussed antidepressant treatment
Findings 2: Condordance
Female-Female MZ: 0.44
Female-Female DZ: 0.16
Male-Male MZ: 0.31
Male-Male DZ: 0.11
Male-Female DZ: 0.11
Conclusion 1
Heritability of major depression was significantly higher in women than in men - sex specific
Monozygotic was much higher
0.38 heritability of depression estimated
Conclusion 2
No correlation between number of year lived together and MDD
Conclusion 3
Confirms the level of heritability of MDD found in other studies
What study should be used with Kendler for an ERQ about Genetics and Behaviour
Weismann et al.