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a measure of the average kinetic energy of the molecules of a substance
the lowest layer of the atmosphere in which temperature decreases with height, on average
Boundary layer
lower part of the troposphere that is significantly affected by exchanges of energy, mositure and momentum with the ground
the layer above the troposphere, stretching to ~50km
the boundary between the troposphere and the stratosphere
an atmospheric layer in which temperature increases with height
Environmental lapse rate
the rate at which temperature decreases with height
Diurnal Range
difference between the highest and lowest temperature of a day
difference in temperature between the warmest and coldest months
Surface Station Model
a compact way on a map to show weather data observed at a particular location at a particular time
measures the speed of the wind
Wind Vane
point in the direction that air is coming from (ie. Wind direction)
Stream Lines
lines that are everywhere parallel to the wind direction at a particular time
Prevailing wind
the wind direction most frequently observed, on average, during a specified period (typically a month, or season, or annually)
weight of air column, per unit area
a line of equal value of something
Gradient of Q
change in value of Q, distance over which change is measured
Tropical Cyclone
generic term for a low pressure system that forms over warm tropical seas and has an observable cyclonic circulation
Tropical depression
a tropical cyclone with maximum sustained winds of less than 39mph
Tropical storm
a tropical cyclone with maximum sustained winds of 39-73mph
a tropical cyclone with maximum sustained wind of at least 74 mph
Storm Surge
the rise in ocean level as a tropical cyclone makes landfall, caused by winds blowing ocean towards shore
use the average (ie. the normal)i as the forecast
what has happened will continue to happen
Analog Forecasting
assume weather repeats itself (almost)
Grid point model
cover the forecast area with a 3D-grid, solve equations as grid point
Spectral model
because atmospheric variables tend to be wavy, build a model using wavy mathmatical functions
initial conditions
the values of all the variables that are given to the model at the beginning of a run
Ensemble Forecasting
a set of computer model forecasts rather than just one
Plume diagrams
in general, the lines separate as the forecast goes farther out, indicating that the forecast is becoming more uncertain with time
generic word used widely to describe moisture in atmosphere
blob of air of various sizes
condition at which evaporation rate = condensation rate. when condensation rate > evaporation rate, condensation nuclei grow → clouds
amount of energy required to raise temperature of one gram of water by 1ÂşC
latent heat
“hidden heat” hidden in molecules to get back if you reverse the process
Condensation nuclei
microscopic particles of dust, dirt, soot, salt, and other particles in air onto which water vapor condenses to form cloud drops
wet-bulb temperature
lowest temperature to which air can be cooled by evaporating water into it
temperature to which air must be cooled at constant pressure for saturation to occur
instrument to measure moisture content of air
Planck’s law
all matter emits radiation constantly and at all wavelengths
Wien’s Law
matter does not emit radiation at all wavelengths equally. The hotter the object, the shorter the wavelength of maximum emission
stefan-boltzman law
the total energy emitted per unit area is proportional to the 4th power of temperature
kirchoffs law
an object that absorbs radiation efficiently at a particular wavelength will also emit radiation efficiently at that wavelength E=𝜎T4
object heats and/or changes phase
radiation passes through object
back-scatter (reflect)
radiation emerges back toward the source
fraction of visible radiation back-scattered
molecular collisions transfer energy
blobs (parcels) of rising air transfer energy
In-situ observations
instrument in direct contact with the medium it is measuring
remote obsercations
instrument not in direct contact with the medium its measuring