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The point on a friction ridge at or nearest to the point of divergence of two type lines, and located at or directly in front of the point of divergence. Also known as a tribute-radius
1.) A change in friction ridge path
2.) An alteration or departure from a documented policy or standard procedure
The presence of friction ridge detail in one impression that does not exist in the corresponding area of another impression (compare with dissimilarity)
A difference in appearance between two friction ridge impressions (compare with discrepancy)
Dissociated ridges:
1.) disrupted, rather than continuous, friction ridges
2.) An area of friction ridge units that did not form into friction ridges, generally due to a genetic abnormality
Variances in the reproduction of friction ridge skin caused by factors such as pressure, movement, force, and contact surface
An isolated friction ridge unit whose length approximates its width in size
1.) Study of the morphological characteristics of friction ridges
2.) Contour or shape of the edges of friction ridges
Elimination prints
Exemplars of friction ridge skin detail of persons known to have had legitimate access to an object or location
A single friction ridge that bifurcates and rejoins after a short course and continues as a single friction ridge
Ending ridge
A single friction ridge that terminates within the friction ridge structure
Erroneous exclusion
The incorrect determination that two areas of friction ridge impressions originated from the same source
A conclusion reached by an examiner that contradicts the mating status of two impressions, and therefore is probably wrong (compare with non-consensus decision)
The third step of the ACE-V method wherein an examiner assesses the value of the details observed during the analysis and the comparison steps and reaches a conclusion
The determination by an examiner that there is sufficient quality and quantity of detail in disagreement to conclude that two areas of friction ridge impressions did not originate from the same source
The prints of an individual, associated with a known or claimed identity, and deliberately recorded electronically, by ink, or by another medium (also known as known prints)
False-negative rate (FNR)
The proportion of the comparisons between mated prints that result in an erroneous exclusion conclusion
False-positive rate (FPR)
The proportion of the comparisons between non-mated prints that result in an erroneous individualization conclusion
Distinctive details of the friction ridges, including Level 1, 2, and 3 details (also known as characteristics)
An impression of the friction ridges of all or any part of the finger
Focal points
1.) In classification, the core(s) and the delta(s) of a fingerprint
2.) Another term for target group
Friction ridge
A raised portion of the epidermis on the palmar or plantar skin, consisting of one or more connected ridge units
Friction ridge detail (morphology)
An area comprised of the combination of ridge flow, ridge characteristics, and ridge structure
Friction ridge examiner
A person who analyzes, compares, evaluates, an verifies friction ridge impressions
Friction ridge unit
A single section of ridge containing one pore
Valleys or depressions between friction ridges
Galton details
Term referring to friction ridge characteristics (also known as minutiae) attributed to the research of English fingerprint pioneer, Sir Francis Galton
Ground truth
Definitive knowledge of the actual source of an impression
Henry Classification
An alpha-numeric system of fingerprint classification named after Sir Edward Richard Henry used for filing, searching, and retrieving ten print records