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germ theory
The discovery of the existence of microbes and their role in causing illness is known as the
The development of a vaccine by Dr. Edward Jenner led to the eradication worldwide by 1979 of disease of
germs do exist
Louis Pasteur not only discovered the process of pasteurization but this also proved
aseptic technique
The process by which patients are protected from harmful germs during surgery or procedure is called
insects and animals
Infections like malaria, bubonic plague, and Lyme disease are transmitted to humans by
HIV/AIDS is caused by a virus
Penicillin is an antibiotic, and it will not work to treat HIV/AIDS. Why?
Good sources of Vitamin B1 are beans, peas, lentils, barely, brown rice, and sunflower seeds. What disease is caused by a deficiency of Vitamin B1?
The hormone insulin was discovered and isolated for treatment of diabetes due to difficulties in the functioning of the
Which drug was the psychopharmaceutical drug approved by the FDA to treat schizophrenia?
storing, dispensing, and compounding
Antineoplastic drugs require the technician to be careful when
biogenetically engineered drug
Newer insulin products are not derived from their natural source but are engineered in a lab using gene technology. This type of drug is classified as a
allergy history
When receiving a prescription to fill and talking to a patient, you should get complete an _______ to prevent the patient from having a bad reaction to the drug.
If a liquid has an unpleasant taste, what inert ingredient could be added to improve patient compliance?
limulus amebocyte lysate
A drug product from the horseshoe crab’s blue blood is used for ensuring drugs, vaccines, and surgical implants are germ free. The drug is called
synthesized drug
If a drug manufacturer makes a drug similar to a natural substance that mimics the therapeutic effects of the original substance, this laboratory drug is called a
more effective
Amoxicillin is a semisynthetic drug that is designed to be ______ than penicillin.
During the drug research process, what group must approve the animal research studies before human trials will be allowed to begin in the US?
informed consent form
What document signed by a research-study participant states the purpose and risks of the research in easily understandable terms?
Phase 2
After an INDA has been approved by the FDA, in which stage of the clinical drug studies are patients with the disease first put on the drug therapy to test effectiveness?
Drug research and development is very costly, and only 1 in 5000 drugs studies actually make it to the market
A patient at the pharmacy is complaining about the high cost of a new brand medication to treat his heart disease. What might a pharmacy technician tell the patient to help him understand the reason for the cost?
In order for a generic drug to be considered for approval by the FDA, a generic pharmaceutical company must prove the generic drug product is
Since the active ingredients in biotech drugs or biological drugs are made of natural and living materials, they are not able to be considered bioequivalent in the same way that generic drugs can be. To be able to be substituted for a brand biotech drug without permission, an alternative biotech drug must be deemed by the FDA to be
Drug Facts box on the label
For a drug to be given OTC status, the FDA will require a ________ that clearly states all the information the patient will need to use the drug without a prescription.
Homeopathic drugs are not evaluated for safety or efficacy by the FDA
How are homeopathic medications different from OTC drugs?
USP verified
You are helping a patient find a good quality fish oil supplement. What marking on the label identifies the supplement as being of good quality?
filling prescriptions, inventory control, and insurance reimbursement
When might a pharmacy technician need to look at a national drug code assigned by the FDA?
Drug safety and surveillance works to ensure the public is not harmed by medications that are on the market in the US. When a patient complains a new medication is causing an extreme itchiness all over, what national database would be used to report this to the FDA?
OTC drug
a drug sold without a prescription
dietary supplement
A category of non-prescription drugs that include vitamins, minerals, and herbs
prescription drug
A drug that requires an order by a licensed provider for a valid medical purpose
homeopathic drug
A very small dilution of a natural substance taken to stimulate the body’s immune system
tracer radioactive isotope
germicidal hand wash
influenza vaccine
radioactive iodine
A substance taken into the body or applied to the body for the purpose of altering the body’s biochemical functions
therapeutic agent
target a specific need in the body, relieve symptoms, combat illness, and reverse disease processes
prophylactic agent
prevent illness or disease, ex. vaccines, germicides, antibiotics
destructive agent
kills specific living elements such as cells and infectious agents, ex. antineoplastic drugs, antibiotics (bactericidal), radioactive iodine
pharmacodynamic agent
alter body functions in a desired way
diagnostic agent
used to help diagnose a medical condition
First antibiotic discovered by Dr. Alexander Fleming
Disease results in paralysis of lower extremities, vaccine created in 1952 by Dr. Jonas Salk
When was the first drug for HIV approved?
_____ stimulate cells/tissues of the body to act in certain ways.
When was birth-control first approved?
the pill
name for birth-control tablets, 99% effective in preventing pregnancy, first approved in 1960
When was thorazine first approved to treat schizophrenia?
Adderall and Ritalin
C-II, ADHD drug therapies developed in the 2nd half of the 20th century
antineplastic drugs
target fast-growing cells (not only cancer cells), can cause harsh side effects
active ingredient
biochemically active components
inert ingredient
inactive ingredient
synthetic drug
created from a series of chemical reactions, do not exist in nature
synthesized drug
created artificially in the laboratory but in imitation of a naturally occurring source
semisynthetic drug
Natural drug that has been chemically modified to either improve the efficacy of natural product, reduce its side effects, overcome bacterial resistance, or broaden spectrum of bacteria that can be treated
biochemically engineered drug
Combine sciences of biology, chemistry, immunology, and genetic engineering to produce drugs
homeopathic medication
required same labeling as OTCs but not evaluated for safety or effectiveness
National Drug Code Number
10-11 digit number: First five numbers represent manufacturer, next four represent drug and dose, last two represent package size
manufacturer, drug, packaging
NDC number represents:
Dr Jonas Salk in 1952
A vaccine for polio was made by who in what year?