Awareness and understanding of one's own actions and reactions.
Self Esteem
Awareness of one's own worth.
The isolation of the self in Western culture.
Rene Descartes
French philosopher who searched for a new way of knowing based on his own authority.
Cogito Ergo Sum
The Latin phrase meaning "I think, therefore I am" coined by Rene Descartes.
Love of Self
The concept that loving oneself is interconnected with loving others.
The denial of God's existence.
The belief of not knowing if God exists or being indifferent towards it.
Friedrich Nietzsche
A German philosopher who believed that we as humans killed God. (rejected Christianity and criticized its impact on individuals)
Israelites who did not worship in the temple in Jerusalem and had conflicts with the Jews.
St Therese of Lisieux (little way)
A saint known as the "Little Flower" who joined a convent and became famous for her book on spirituality and God.
Seven Tendencies of Individualism
The belief in freedom, rights, equality, reason as a binding force, isolation from everything, mastery over the earth, and godlessness.
5 Points Concerning “Who do you say that I am?”
Jesus wants me to call God Abba/Father
My relationship with Abba/Father is my freedom
The earth is good and is a gift of God
Other people are as important – perhaps even more important – than myself
Before Abba/Father, all are equal
Jesus and the woman at the well
A story where Jesus engages in conversation with a Samaritan woman, offering her a metaphorical water that would quench her thirst forever.
Golden Rule
"Do to others as you would have them do to you" (Luke 6.31)
The Other
"your neighbour" (are a stranger you can never get to know fully)
The Christian self-understanding
The self of a believer who is not afraid to celebrate being in relationship with God.
The expectation that if I do something for someone else, this person will at some point do something in return for me. (Rooted in un-selfishness & self-interest)
the force and energy to be creative in response to life. (spiritually and bodily)
the close bond that exists between human beings
shares the honour and dignity of being in the image of God
God unites them in such a way that, by forming 'one flesh,' (eros and agape meet)
God's kind, merciful and absolutely generous love for us
wishing others well even when they do not do anything in return
doing things for others without expecting anything in return (fill in the cracks of society)
stable social forms (food, housing, health, education and the economy)
Expressions of Culture
Each culture expresses their needs differently (meanings, beliefs, values and practices)
Multicultural Societies
Having not just one set of beliefs and values, but many
Emmanuel Levinas
says that when we are face to face with another person, the other's face is like a visual version of God's commandment, "You shall not murder."
Friendships in the Kingdom of God
It has to be based on love, and when you are willing to sacrifice for that friend. Friendship is a gift for others.
Five kinds of love (hetaria,eros,storge,phileo,agape)
Companionship (heteria), Sexual love (eros), Family love (storge), Friendship (phileo), Charity (agape)
Sexuality and the relationship to sexual intercourse (4)
Our desire for the other, Sexual intercourse, Intimacy - the language of sexuality, Sexuality - it will make saints out of us yet!
Understanding Peter's love for Jesus
Peter admired Jesus and loved him and He was everything to him.
The Code of the New Covenant
Jesus created a new covenant during the sermon on the mount. It was his code, the ten commandments summed up. (The golden rule)
Reasons for decline in community participation (4)
Time and money, Urban sprawl, Television & the internet, Generational change
Traits of covenants applied to institutions (4)
Institutions help us to become a free people, Institutions need rules and a commitment, Institutions are powerful and require prophetic leaders, Institutions need participation and celebration.
Agreements between rulers and people (God and Holy People)
New Covenant
Through Jesus, God’s original covenant with Israel became even more intimate and personal (God personally enters our Human culture)
The law (Torah)
The heart of the Old Testament (Instructions about God’s covenant)
means that God became human and dwelt personally – in the flesh – among us
Holy people in Israel who were spokespersons for God (messengers)
the community that was founded when God sent the Holy Spirit to Jesus’ disciples at Pentecost
Chosen People
The people who were chosen to live the revelation of God to their ancestors for the world to see & hear (“summoned” by God to “light the Nations”)
Kingdom of God as a Gift
God’s relationship with creation is characterized by generosity (We experience this Gift through Jesus)
God communicates Himself to humankind in stages (creation, covenants, and prophets)
word Catholics use to describe God’s generous love
Kingdom of God
symbol used by Jesus to speak about God and God’s actions among us
A Prophet who was born to a Hebrew slave and was going to be killed, so he was put into a basket along the Nile River until he was found by the Egyptian Pharaoh's wife. He was then put on a mission from God to free the Hebrew slaves from the Egyptians
figure of speech used in poetic language (help us to see things from a fresh perspective)
God as a Father (Abba)
The official name for God (used to praise him)
Mary Magdalene
first person to see the “risen” Jesus (Called him “Rabbouni” (teacher))
A story that contains a lesson to be learned
How Christ is still present in our culture (five)
Some Christians say that Jesus is against culture
Some Christians think that Jesus is perfectly at ease in culture
Others feel that because Jesus is the incarnate God, he was both in and above culture
Others say that Jesus and culture will always be at loggerheads
Finally, Jesus is also seen as one who transforms culture (The correct perspective)
Historical data about Jesus
Jesus acts through people
Jesus acts through people who freely choose to be in communion with him
Jesus acts through the Word of Scripture
Jesus acts in the liturgy
Jesus acts in the witness of people
The Ten Commandments
I am the LORD your God: you shall not have strange gods before me.
You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day.
Honour your father and your mother.
You shall not kill.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.
You shall not covet your neighbour’s wife.
You shall not covet your neighbour’s goods.
The Israelites covenant
The Israelites became a people of the covenant
The Israelites received a code of the covenant
The Israelites had prophets as part of their leadership
The Israelites celebrated the actions and events of the LORD
Characteristics of Covenants
like a treaty or an alliance
has conditions
sealed with a ceremony
celebrated with both parties present
Characteristics of Parables
is a Story
is a Comparison
Contain a crisis
Have an ending
is a story about God’s kingdom, that is to say, God’s way of acting among us
Our ways of doing things we inherited from our parents or ancestors.
Religious symbols
A thing that is meant to represent another thing that is considered "holy" or "sacred".
Ways of doing things that are linked together to form a "system".
Religious rituals
Have the power to open up new ways of living and communicating with a power and energy that is higher or deeper than our own.
Who you are, what you're associated with, and what you like.
The Church's official act of worship.
A set of meanings, beliefs, values, and rules for living shared by groups and societies as the source of their identity.
God is beyond, or transcends, our usual physical experience.
Objects or gestures that express one specific message or meaning.
To make worldly, separate from religious connection or influence.
A thing that is meant to represent another thing (means "thrown together").
A system of symbols and rituals. (We form powerful beliefs, values, meanings, and practices around these symbols and rituals about who we are in relationship to God.)
The things we do every day, we tend to do in the same way.
Over time, rituals become habits.
Privatization of religion
How people no longer seem to care about the church's institution and tend to not be religious.
Attributes of culture
Humans create culture.
Culture consists of ways of doing things.
Culture is public.
Culture arises from tradition.
Culture is made up of rule-governed actions.
Culture becomes established in institutions.
Culture gives us our identity.
The Church's symbolic actions
Death & Life Experience.
Passage to maturity initiation into the community.
Growth in maturity.
Failure to grow spiritually (Sin).
Getting Married.
Service of Leadership.
Traits of powerful rituals
A ritual passes on a tradition
A ritual needs our bodies
A ritual is accompanied by words
A ritual forms a community
Components of Culture
Culture has to do with human actions
Culture is a set of meanings, beliefs, values and practices of a society
Culture identifies me as belonging to a particular group
The science that studies the origin, development, and customs of human beings.
The author who wrote an account of how the LORD God had created the first human beings.
To show forth the image of God and be transformed into His image.
The breach of the relationship that God established with creation.
The power to act deliberately on our own responsibility.
Official pastoral letters written by the Pope for the entire people of God.
How each of us is made exclusively in God's image and likeness.
Original sin
The sin that we inherit and begins with us in life (Adam and Eve).
Father, Son, Holy Spirit - all three are God, but separate from each other.
Working and being united together through God and His grace.
akin to homo, a man, and humus, soil
Catechism of the Catholic Church
the official compendium of Catholic teaching
Jean Vanier
son of a former Governor General of Canada who made his home with adults with intellectual disabilities
means “The Ark” (was also the name of Jean Vanier’s communities)
Dignity of human being
rooted in our creation in the image and likeness of God
relating to worldly things or to things that are not regarded as religious, spiritual, or sacred
the result of being “connected” with God
The world not being under the protection and structure of God
Book of Genesis
a story of every man and woman
Traits found in the Bible about being human
→ 1. Humans are a creation of God
→ 2. Humans are a mixture of earth and divine breath
→ 3. Humans are good
→ 4. Humans are male and female
Jean Vanier’s principles of humanity
→ #1 All humans are sacred
→ #2 Our world and our individual lives are in the process of evolving
→ #3 Maturity comes through working with others, through dialogue, and through a sense of belonging and a searching together.
→ #4 Human beings need to be encouraged to make choices, and to become responsible for their own lives and for the lives of others.
→ #5 In order to make such choices, we need to reflect and to seek truth and meaning
The story of creation in the Book of Genesis
The fall of man, how Adam and Eve were both tricked by an evil serpent into eating fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil against God’s wishes, they were put into eternal struggle on Earth and developed embarrassment with each other and are now destined to die
The Yahwist
The author who wrote an account of how the LORD God had created the first human beings.